Welcome to The Genius Contingent, a website dedicated to the sheer cinematic talent that is Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. OK, maybe sheer cinematic talent is overpraising them a tad but disgusted by the lack of information on the world wide web we thought it best they get the recognition they deserve...

So on The Genius Contingent you will find complete biographies, pictures, latest news (as and when it breaks or when we find out about it) but, most importantly, complete filmographies. We will painstakingly review each and every movie and tell you whether it's shit or shit-hot. Obviously we believe that you should watch everything they've ever done, but lets face it, no film star has an unblemished career (hello, Affleck, tell us about Bounce...)

In the meantime, have a look around and have fun...

Sadly, our clock counter died, but i'm reckonoing you're about the millionth person to pop in...hehe...yeah, right.

Friends, we are merely weeks away from a completely new site - new look, completely updated, Chevy Chase finished, loads of new stuff and, obviously, it's still funny as fuck. In fact, it's probably going to be funnier. So, keep checking back because the most important website ever is about to be a part of your life. Oh, and the guestbook doesn't work at the moment, so just e-mail us if you've got anything to say. Sweet.

----------> Bill Murray: Coming Soon<----------

---------->Chevy Chase: Coming Soon <----------

---------->Steve Martin<----------

---------->Dan Aykroyd<----------

This page was last updated on 14th July 2002

This Dan Aykroyd Webring site owned by Dave Holloway and Bunn.
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Dave Holloway and Bunn.

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The Genius Contingent is an independant fan site and is in no way connected to any of the personalities featured within. The site is run by Bunn and Dave Holloway. Please contact us with any queries.

In the area? Then why not visit Ben Folds Five: Helmet Heads?

All images contained within are believed to be of public domain. If this is not the truth then please contact us and we will rectify the situation. There should be only credit on the world wide web, we are the recycling generation - sample it, loop it, fuck it and eat it.

This site is very generously supported, sponsored and we suck up to geocities