(Update See end of review for review of Episode II: Attack of the clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith :

Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Starring: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Samuel L. Jackson, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best and Frank Oz.

and Introducing: Ray Park and Peter Serafinowicz as Darth Maul.

Written and Directed By: George Lucas

Distributed by: LucasFilms LTD. and 20th Century Fox.

The first installment of the prequels of George Lucas' Star Wars Trilogy is sure to bring the force back to people in the year 1999 and to the future.

This is the first episode in a six episode series (double trilogy) created by George Lucas, the mind behind the Star Wars phenomenon. I literally saw this movie on the second day after the premiere. I found the story to be really good, especially if it comes from the mind of Lucas. It begins as the federation is trying to have the queen of the planet Naboo (Portman) sign a treaty which she believes to be a trick. So she sends for Chancellors, really they are Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor) they are on a space station inhabited by lizard looking aliens who have a pact with The Hologram of (Darth Vader's Boss in "Return of the Jedi") who wants them to kill the jedi's but through a light saber fight the droids don't have a chance against two Jedi Knights.

The Jedi escape the station and have to refuel their space ship as well as get new parts. So they goto the planet Tattoine (Skywalker's Home) and run into Anakin Skywalker (Luke's Father) a boy with extreme powers of the force. Anakin likes to pod race and gets involved in a bet for parts for the jedi's ship. There are new characters as well as old ones including C-3PO (As a new droid) and R2-D2 (the one that beeps and whistles) and new ones Jar Jar Binks a strange creature that is a cross from a rabbit and lizard that walks on two feet, and is very clumsy. Jar Jar is the first Computer Generated character to have many lines in a film as well as look very realistic. And Darth Maul a red and black face painted Sit with horns (Sith are a very old but very powerful part of the star wars mythology) who has made a double beamed lightsaber ("I want one of those" a kid would say after seeing it) who has been sent by the cloaked Sith leader to catch Queen Amidala (Portman) of Naboo. Using amazing computer technology Lucas waited for 21 years or so. The movies visuals are astounding. city scapes look like its straight out of a Science-Fiction movie (for which this is.) what this prequel has added to the series is a bit of humor, by using funny jokes in dialogue and sight gags using Jar Jar Binks. to make us feel like kids again. Portman who plays the queen also seems to have enjoyed wearing the costumes as well as makeup for her role as a 14 year old queen of Naboo. This also reassures us that we know what Lucas is doing. He is sure to be a big player in the genre of Science Fiction.

10/10 Excellent story of what Darth Vader was like before he went to the Dark Side of the force. As well as amazing visual effects and the astounding alien creatures that inhabit the worlds. And for getting another cameo of Jabba the Hut in a film. (looks better than the "Special Edition of A New Hope").

100%/100% Although I was in the 3rd row from the center it was very clear focusing and the movie used the ratio of the screen (Ideal HDTV movie) so I did have to move my head a bit but if I was farther back I would see it perfectly.

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After a disappointed fanbase that hated the Jar Jar Binks Character, Lucas decides to include him in less in the Second Prequel to Star Wars.

Star Wars:Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Hayden Christensen As Anakin Skywalker at 18?

It is about 10 or so years after the first Prequel and Anakin is becoming a good padwan under Kenobi (Ewan McGregor). But Anakin is more unstable, they are hired by Senator Amidala(Portman) to find out who is planning an assassination attempt on her life. It soon leads to a mysterious clone army for the Republic soon after all the some what terrible first half of the movie, the movie redeems itself and leaves us with an action-packed cliffhanger,

The Army saves the republic but leads them into a war with the separatists with their allegiance to the Sith. Palpatine has changed rank to chancellor of the republic, to fight off the seperatists. The prequels are slowly getting close to finishing the mystery of "How and why did Anakin turn to the Dark Side?"

there are clues in this film but the third Prequel should show the answer to the question and the question I have been wondering, Who is The Emperor of the Empire? and how did he get to that great power? Let's hope Lucas doesn't let us down with those answers by not answering the questions.

5/10 good ending battle scene some corny stuff interesting ideas, still questions not answered. Definately redeems itself at the ending battle scene. 100%/100% Special effects are good. Sound is amazing. Hoping DVD will have Lucas's digital version of the film that he showed off at Cannes2002.

Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker at 23?

A few years after the second movie, this time Anakin is starting to worry about Padme amidala, who happens to be pregnant, he counsols himself with Chancellor Palpatine who uses Anakin's fear and hatred to turn him to the darkside, we learn there is an alterior motive of the chancellor, and his hate of the Jedi Counsel, we then see his true face and he becomes Emperor and the people against him rebel, and become the rebellion.

It is a brutal sequence of seeing Anakin become Darth Vader, and we find out how Leia and Luke got seperated.

Which makes this movie the full circle episode where the first two prequels fit into the original trilogy, showing the full aspect of Darth Vader, his past and how he became who he is and his redemption in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars: was really about Anakin Skywalker and his choice he made, and how it affected the balance of the light and Dark sides of the Force, and how his son came to redeem him and show him his good side again. This is Director George Lucas's complete Masterpiece.

But with rumors of a Television series and the complete Double Trilogy going to be done in 3-D, Mr. Lucas still knows how to market his beautiful creation.

10/10 The Epic transformation of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader is what this movie is all about, and does an excellent way of bringing the prequels into the original trilogy. 100%/100% Top notch special effects add a bonus to one of the best Star Wars movies, it's up there with the original three.