2 and 2 Put Together

A comparision of the Blues Brothers and the Men in Black, as it appeared in Entertainment Weekly magazine.

They've been around for decades keeping the world safe from obliviousness. But with Men in Black, the public finally learned of the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Division 6. Or did it? We've been there before, with Jake and Elwood in 1980's The Blues Brothers.

Always wear black suits, black ties, dark shades. Always wear black suits, black ties, dark, shades.
Gave up their identity for the job. Masquerade under pseudonyms. "Blues" is not their real last name.
Get their authority from a body above the president. Are on a "mission from God."
Cruise around in a seemingly normal, late-model sedan with special abilities (flies, drives upside-down through tunnels. Cruise around in a seemingly normal, late-model sedan that has special powers (flies, drives through malls).
Have to save the planet from a threat caused by the death of an alien prince. Have to save themselves from a threat caused by Carrie Fisher, who once played an alien princess.
Hassle an alien pawnshop merchant (Tony Shaloub) for information. Hassle a strangely omniscient pawnshop merchant (Ray Charles) for instrumentation.
Sing along to Elvis Presley's "Promised Land" while going through a tunnel. Sing Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock" while going up the river.
Had to pay heed to executive Stephen Spielberg. Had to pay a fee to the Cook County clerk, played by Stephen Spielberg.

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