oedipus sex's homepage

Soon to be the 420 homepage

Hello my fellow StonErS, deadhead, and huffers! This is the site which will Very very soon become the home of the World Wide Weed's best page for pro-marijuana activists and/or people looking for stoner laughs! In homage to my favorite page on the web, the background graphix come from The wonderful world of weed. Anyways this page will house all the written and unwritten rules of the koolest genre out there today. The "High" genre! We will have Stoner's Etiquette, recipies, jokes, First time, best time, worst time experiences, Komix and everything else. So just keep an eye out for this page! I'll be c-ing ya!

Here are a few tasty little tidbits to begin my homepage!

ZONK the official game of stoners!

Stoners Etiquette

Immortals have visited this site since 4-21-97

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