Yes, Arena o' Death.  Have a problem with that?


This is the motherload! I took a small (okay, pretty long!) vacation from this page, but now I'm back with a vengeance... Here's what to check out if you're a frequenter:

Also: To those who have e-mailed me. . . you can expect to hear back from your messages soon, since I'm on vacation for Christmas Break, I have a bit of spare time! ^_^

Here are some things you can visit at my page:


Pictures | Fanfiction | Characters | Movie Reviews | Say What? | Links | E-mail Mako

Geocities... home of millions of free webpages... you know you want one. Click on the pic!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Mighty Ducks- although it would be nice to own some certain members of the team (Justin Wong *cough cough*) and I'm not making any money offa this. So don't sue me, cos I'm just a little helpless fan. Remember "THEY HAVE HORSES!"