My page is about everything including facts about me and a few things about Prince William and Prince Harry.

I do not like Harry or William and the only reason I write on the page now is to please my guests who read the page so please don't yell at me for being obsessive because I'm not. Oh, and one more thing, please quit copying my story, c'mon you know who you are people so please stop!

Hello, It's July 10, 1999 - I'm finally not busy so I can work on my page. I updated my page about myself and I might update the story. I also took off my current events page because I haven't had many current events come my way. E-mail me about anything else that you'd like me to put on my page and I will seriously consider it. Also e-mail me if you want me to contact you when I update my page!

Hi, I'm Jessica S.
I started my page on August 9, 1998

My interests are
TENNIS, TENNIS, TENNIS, and swimming.

I'm still fairly new at this website thing right now so please don't send me any hate mail. E-mail me at in the meantime. Please come back soon and visit me when things are updated.
My pages:

All about me

Harry info

William info

What Katie Did-My fictional royalty story

Prince William links

Thank you's

Links to other sites on the Web

My friend's WAY WEIRD page about nothing which is really something and more for anyone who wants to visit
Mr. Bean's OFFICIAL very wacky webpage
A very cute little kids' webpage

You are the visitor to my cool site!

Note: This site is not in any way afilliated with the British Royal Family.

I will try my hardest to answer ALL of your mail!

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