Scar pic by Kese
I AM the King!
Did you ever doubt me? My courage, my tenacity, my ability to survive? You were waiting for Simba to return, weren't you? Now MY return is at paw. My pride, the Domains, is the largest and most powerful, my sons and heirs far more cunning and loyal than either Kiara or Kovu.

Our time is now. If you are a Pridelander, then bow now to your future king. If you are a wanderer, and are deemed worthy, you may join my Domains.
Although I had to wait ALL MY LIFE for this pride, my legacy shall continue through the blood of my sons, Kiruu and Estya.

To your left is my first-born son of the Domains, Estya. He shall rule the Domains once I am gone.

To your right is Kiruu, my firstborn son with Zira, once designated heir to Pride Rock. Someday, QUITE soon, I shall return him to his rightful throne. On that day, all the lionesses of the Domains and Pridelands shall be as one, with MY SONS as their Kings.
Estya pic by Kese
Kiruu pic by Kese
Scar pic by Launia
I have waited for this day, these times, ALL my life. NOW, we, the Domains, are one. WE are supreme. Pride Rock shall fall, and my legacy shall endure.

Currently, my pride, Scar's Domains, may be found in two different places, yet soon, we shall have a new forum. In the meantime, if you feel you MAY be worthy to join my pride, you may contact me through the logo below.

Scar's Domains logo by Aaliyah.
Click here to go to Members of Scar's Domains: NOW two pages of lions full of ambition!
Click here for suggestions on how to build a roleplaying character
Click here to see links to Scar related fan-fics
Click here for resources on lion behavior in the wild
Bad mane day --->
Scar's Domains Chatroom
<----Fake smile
Click here for the "Why Kovu is a Wimp" page
Links page is small, but growing (under construction as of 4/5/99)
Come and see!!
A special thanks to Kese for the buttons :)
Scar pic by Speck
"Why do I despise Kovu? It's a father/son...'thing.' "
Link with this button!
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