Welcome to the unofficial homepage for the former volunteers from the Star Wars: The Magic of Myth exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum

The exhibit might be closed, but I've set up this site so we can remember and keep in touch about Star Wars related things.

But I need your help!

If you have your own web site, I can link to it. If you've got photos of the opening, Halloween, the party, closing day, etc. I can try to get them up.

I've set up an email list so you don't have to track down everybody's email address. Now, I know I'm missing a major percentage of edresses, so please forward on this information to other volunteers.

More information to be posted!

Us Volunteers

Upcoming Events

The Han Haul Saga

The Official SW:TMOM site

Photos I took from visiting the exhibit in Brooklyn.

A review of the Volunteer Thank You Party at Echostation Emag.

Email me about Star Wars: The Magic of Myth

Visitors since 3/26/99

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