Taran Noah Smith

Taran Noah Smith plays Mark Taylor, the youngest of the three sons in the Taylor household. Always on the end of one of brad or randy's schemes and having played this role for years now, Taran is a very comfortable and competent actor.

Here is a Biography of Taran.

Snail mail info on how to write Taran.

E-mail Taran here. Mail is forwarded to Taran monthly.

Born on April 8th, 1984, to 2 wonderful parents David and Candy. Taran was destined for the business. As he followed in the footsteps of his older sister, Aria, a model from day one. He became very familiar with the entire business through his sister's career.Taran Noah Smith can be considered a veteran performer inasmuch as he completed his first professional assignment in a print-advertising campaign at the age of six months! Eventhough he started in modeling, Taran decided to test the waters and try his hand in acting. He auditioned for the role of Mark Taylor, on Home Improvement, alongside of 400+ other boys who also were competing for the role. Taran was lucky enough to make call backs and was seen a second and third time and was finally chosen to be Mark Taylor for the 1991 pilot episode, which eventually became the hit TV show we all know and love, Home Improvement.

Taran has appeared in commercials -- nationally for a major car-rental concern and locally for a department store. He has been featured on the front cover of over one million copies of the Crayola Kids magazine and recognized for his athletic ability in Sports Illustrated for Kids. Taran has appeared on such television shows as "Live: With Regis & Kathie Lee," "Entertainment Tonight" and "FX," and has been seen on shows such as "Front Runner," "Gladiators 2000" and Australia's "Talk to the Animals."

He also recently made made an appearance on "Bill Nye the Science Guy". His newest movie role is in a movie called "Little Bigfoot" which filmed during the summer of 1996 in California.

In addition to his acting, Taran makes charity appearances in support of Multiple Sclerosis and the "Make a Wish Foundation". His concern for dolphins and whales has led to his participation with "Earthtrust". As spokesperson for the national Kids 'R'Us coat drive for needy children and the Salvation Army, Taran made the first donation of two of his coats and worked to encourage the community to donate coats for needy children. Taran is also a RAAADD Kid (Recording Artist & Actors Against Drunk Driving) and supports the DARE program for school children.

Taran is an all around guy. He finds interests in Rollerblading, shooting hoops,dirt-bike riding, Fencing, as well as stage fencing. But nothing can top Taran's FAVORITE past time is spending time with his dad flying their home-built 2 seater prop engine airplane. Taran is currently taking lessons and at age 16 can fly the plane solo and at 18 will be able to get his full license.

A TYPICAL WEDNESDAY ON THE SET OF HOME IMPROVEMENT FOR TARAN.... Awaking at 8:20 by his mom Taran gets dressed and ready for the long day ahead of him.. Leaving the house at 8:45 Taran arrives to the set and immediately heads to the school trailer to spend 2 hours with one of three tutors going over math homework and other work assigned by his home school. At 11:15 he takes a breather and chats with Zach deciding what they will eat at 1:00 for lunch, whether it be pizza or chinese food. After the short break Taran goes back to his studies with a new tutor going over science or history. At 1:00 he breaks for lunch and chows down on whatever he and Zach decided to order. Zach decided to order. After lunch he is both on and off the set working on that weeks script. At 3:30 they cast does a run through for the director and at 3:00 they bring i a test audience and do a run through of the show.. After work Taran and his mom head home either to head back out for a game of laser tag or grab a bite to eat. At 7:30 to 8:30 Taran gets involved in his hobby of FENCING, but this is a bot different its called Stage Fencing. ( NEAT ) When its all over Taran heads back home to do his homework and watch a little TV By the time 11:00 hits its lights out and I'm sure after that long day Taran is WELL ready for it.

Here's the chat which happened on ABC's  "Breakfast With the Stars"

This is only the part with Taran in it.

ABC Wendy:	Now...Now we've got Taran Noah Smith who plays Mark on ABC's "Home
StarsAtABC:	Hi everybody...
StarsAtABC:	It's great to be here!
ABC Wendy:	HI ZACKOID wantas to know (so do I)...
Question:	hey Taran! I heard you are in karate..
if so, what style and belt?
StarsAtABC:	I took one lesson in karate...
StarsAtABC:	a long time ago...
StarsAtABC:	& I did graduate to yellow belt...
StarsAtABC:	but I don't know the name of the style...
ABC Wendy:	*RKYSFAN asks
Question:	Taran, Do you like Tim Allen
StarsAtABC:	Of course!
StarsAtABC:	He's hilarious!
StarsAtABC:	He keeps everybody laughing on the set.
StarsAtABC:	He's also a very kind and generous person.
ABC Wendy:	ILuvShksp asks...
Question:	What's it like on the set? Is it a blast, because you guys look
like you're having sooo
Question:	much fun.
StarsAtABC:	WE have a great time on the set...
StarsAtABC:	it's a real fun environment.
StarsAtABC:	We're like a big family...
StarsAtABC:	everybody is pretty laid back.
ABC Wendy:	Cgirl8 wants to know
Question:	Who is your favorite person you've ever worked with?
StarsAtABC:	I'd have to say...
StarsAtABC:	Tim Allen, because he was so funny
StarsAtABC:	but everybody has been pretty nice.
Question:	Taran is JTT fun to work with, do you get along on and off the set?
Amanda, and Staci -
Question:	North Carolina
StarsAtABC:	Jon is pretty fun...
StarsAtABC:	but Zach and I have more in common...
StarsAtABC:	so we get along better.
Question:	Taran, How do you feel about outdoor sports, hiking, mt. biking ?
etc..do you have the
Question:	time to enjoy things like that.  or are you mostly busy with HI and
flying ??
StarsAtABC:	I love to mountain bike and hiking is always fun...
StarsAtABC:	but I play roller hockey most of the time...
StarsAtABC:	I'm on a team in LA.
ABC Wendy:	*JAltman24 asks
Question:	Do you like being famous?
StarsAtABC:	Yes and no...
StarsAtABC:	There are so many aspects to being famous...
StarsAtABC:	and you can't enjoy them all.
StarsAtABC:	I do like the things you get to do...
StarsAtABC:	like flying a blimp...
StarsAtABC:	and the places you get to go...
StarsAtABC:	like the White House...
ABC Wendy:	That's it for now Taran...gotta move on. Maybe we'll get you in
again before the end thou
(Didn't get him in at the end)
ABC Wendy:	Now we're talking to Bret Cooper who plays Shane on the soap opera
"Guiding Light"!!

Taran Noah Smith says people often recognize him but don't know his name. "People say, 'Aren't you the kid in Home Improvernent?"' Taran says. "No one knows my name. It's really kind of Sad.'

The most frustrating part, according to Taran, is when people mispronounce his name. "Like they say Teran or Toran," he tells BOP (rather than the correct way, which rhymes with Sharon and Karen). "But the worst is when people try to spell it. I have seen so many different spellings. T-E-R-R-O-N. That's completely wrong. It's T-A-R-A-N."

This has happened so many times, the young actor has developed a sense of humor about it. "It's pretty funny because I will do a personal appearance and the sign saying 'Taran Noah Smith' is spelled wrong," he says. "But I'm used to it"

So where does a name like Taran come from? "There's a series of five books, kind of a fantasy Series, like sorcery, based on Welsh legions," Taran says. "It's called The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander. Taran is the main character in the books. He starts out a boy, probably around 13~ and he kind of goes up to around 18 or 20 at the end of the last book. There are a lot of adventures and a lot of sorcery and kings in the books.'

Taran has already read the series and speaks highly of it. "You're really sad when you finish the last book," he admits. "I don't know of any other book that when you put it down, you miss the characters. You want to read more about them. I think that's a definite sign of a good book." We'll take Taran's word for it

On sunday May 4th, in Hollywood, many of the entertainment industries' rising stars turned out to be honored at the 2nd Annual Hollywood Reporter Young Star Awards. Taran Noah Smith sported an incredibly cyber silver metallic shirt, which he bought from a store called "The Oaktree" in the Glendale Galleria in Los Angeles. Taran said that he has surfed the net a few times and enjoyed it because "it seems like it really is the future."

If you live in Southern Califonia you might have checked out RAGING WATERS on Sunday May 18th between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. More than 40 top teen celebrities including Andrew, Michael, Ross Malinger, Taran Noah Smith, Josh Byrne and Ben Salisbury flew down the 320-foot waterslide at breakneck speed. The winner of the race presented a $5000 grand prize check to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

What is Taran up to now?
Taran was SUPPOSED to be on hand at Disney Florida on FATHERS DAY. But unfortunely he had to cancel due to his current movie...

Taran worked on a video series helping kids overcome their fears of the dentist in GOTTA GO TO THE DENTIST.

A new past time for Taran is also shared by his co-star Zachery. Both love to go out and PAINTBALL. Taran owns his own gun and many times you can catch his dad out there with him.

Here are some links to other Taran Noah Smith pages.

  • Cyberfans: Taran

  • The Taran Noah Smith Home Page

  • Star Galaxy - Taran Noah Smith Index Page

  • J&J's Taran Noah Smith Home Page

  • BiggDoggB's Taran Noah Smith Page

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