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June 18th 2001 ~UPDATE~

Well Thanks to all those who have emailed worried about me. As you all know life is crazy, so that has slowed me way down, along with somethings falling through.. But that's another story.. Now onto the UPDATE!
As you all know the Main Street Electrical Parade is coming back or should I say Disney's Electrical Parade. The current Plan is to run it from July 4th this year for this summer and then in the Spring it should "Glow" back into Disneyland.

Disney has been thinking of a lot of different ways to bring this parade back. One plan (That I liked very much) was to Bring it back next year to Disneyland, put in a new float each year (taking away a old one) and by the big 50th Birthday of Disneyland have a New parade. But DCA is having a hard time keeping the crowds in at night. They saw this as a quick fix. And that is all it will be, they will move it back to Disneyland next year and will have some new night parade/show next year for DCA. (That is the Hope)

And don't think this is the last straw for DCA overall the problem with the park has been not enough to do. That is a ok problem because it can and will be fixed! So far the majority of the polls have said "Guests like the Theme" thats a good thing.

The Monorail is back on oneway trips because they are building the "Who Wants to be a Millioniare Play it" show. And no it is not in some tent, they are building a "Studio" type building that will be able to host many attractions once Millioniare has had it's day. It should open around the first of Aug. My hope is that they put the monorail back on round trips before then. They are moving along very quickly with the outside of the building....

Thats all I have for now, Eric

OPD just returned from Disney's California Adventure!! So check out our feelings on all the rides, theme and so much more!!

Click here

April 4th 2001~ Just a update on what will be happening with OPD

Well thank you for all of the email... Don't worry Im fine, infact great! I just returned from the Disneyland Resort!! And because of that I have some great info to share with you all. Tomorrow my article on Disney's California Adventure will be up. I also have a article coming about DCA's Parade, Downtown Disney the next Phase and a few others. So be on the look out for that and maybe if everything goes right a new look for the site!

Until tomorrow....

Feb 25th 2001~ Lot's of Fun news but more bad news for OPD

Well I was ready to put up the new OPD Board today but sadly just as the past Board they are shutting down. So I am off to find a new board, my feeling is next Sunday it will be up!!

Thanks for all the email, Im almost all the way caught up!!
But keep it coming!!!

So what is next for DCA??? I know there are different expansion plans being discussed right now beyond Armageddon, but nothing firm yet.  The rumor of a Tower of Terror attraction linked with another in Park hotel for DCA are simply unfounded.  ToT is being considered as a Phase 2 project, but not with a hotel attached. So lets kill that rumor NOW!
Disneyland does have some news coming soon... The next big announcement coming up will be the final decision on Rocket Rods.  Paul kind of made it somewhat clear in a recent interview with a reporter stating that Rocket Rods was similar to Walt's failed Flying Saucer ride.  So, that would mean that he is beginning to place that impression in the minds of people to get them prepared for the news.  Although, don't give up hope yet I still hold out a little glimmer of hope that one of the WDI Engineers will at the last minute find a solution to fix the ride. 

Also, there is no truth to the rumor of Electrical Parade coming back at Christmas.  Disneyland doesn't need a stronger draw for a season that they already own.  Electrical will return either in the spring or summer of 2002. And no budgets have been approved for the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay on the Haunted Mansion yet. So many rumors are a little ahead of the game on that one too.  While I think it will happen, until I hear that the money is approved and the project started, we know that nothing is definite yet.

Many of you have asked what the week parts of DCA are here is a list of them....
Many trees are babies, therefore the Park doesn't have that mature feel like Disneyland, but that will be something that will grow over time and fill in the open areas eventually.  The farm area isn't the most dazzling area. It will be one of the areas to get blown out when the Park needs to expand into the Timon lot.  However, I don't think the farm concept will completely leave, because it was put into the Park in the first place by Michael's request.  With Ca. being the largest producer in agriculture, I don't think they will cut completely some representation of a farm in the Park. Superstar Limo ride is nice but not a strong ride.  Over time, it will probably get tweaked or maybe gutted and redone down the road.  Not every new Park opens with every attraction being an A+ in ratings.  One thing that keeps coming up is people comepare it to Disneyland 60 attraction to 22 attractions and 55 acres to 85 acres you can see the problem. Also many people don't understand that it is a entire new "Theme Park" not a new land at Disneyland

Well I will have more news coming soon along with some new articles coming each week!!! Some hot news that I know you will all love to hear.

And look for the OPD Board to be up soon!!!


Feb 8th 2001~ Disney's California Adventure opens!!!

Well as you all know by now today Disney's California Adventure opened. No longer is Disneyland all alone, and no DCA will never (in my mind) be better then Disneyland but will be a park to treasure in its own way.

We will have full reports on all of the events (and yes we will even look at some of DCA's darker points)

Expect to see that up in the next few days!

Jan 8th 2001~ Downtown Disney has opened up. And DCA is about to open up. When the clock turn 12:00 and the year changed from 2000 to 2001 I began to get more excitied then ever. I don't know about you but to me 2001 has always ment DCA, Downtown Disney and the "Disneyland Resort". I can't believe it is 2001!!!

Downtown Disney

I have talked to several people and they all have said "Downtown Disney is fabulous" - nothing like the mall that has been described over the internet.   I have not heard one negative comment from anyone about the place and it is less than half open. Everyone who has eaten at Rainforest Cafe said it was wonderful, the indoor and out door themeing is great. I'm telling you that it is amazing walking around in Downtown Disney right here at the Disneyland Resort.  It doesn't seem real.

A Grand Hotel

As for the Hotel here is a Trip report from someone has been there a few times. 

I've stayed there twice so far and will be there again in about a week.  The place is absolutely stunning.  My favorite Disney hotel to date (now surpassing my original favorite of the Wilderness Lodge).  The rooms are pretty standard in size today.  I didn't feel cramped at all and the view are stunning.  I've had views of Grizzly Peak and Condor Flats and of Downtown Disney and both are great.  I've eaten at both restaurants in the hotel and they are equally stunning.
Can't wait to see it myself although I think I will have to save up to stay there!!

As for DCA they are now working on the small stuff.  They are finishing up on FastPass installation and they are finishing the sanding and varnishing the wooden deck in Paradise Pier.  The benches in PP are great in theming, they are dolphins and sea horses on each end of the wooden planks.  Other finishing touches include the final installation of the rest of the railings around planters, painting and aging & graining here and there and of course full ride testing and merchandise stocking.  The Park is absolutely beautiful and I have no doubt everyone will be very impressed when they go into the place.  The shops are pretty detailed and themed out, as well as, the restaurants.  Avalon Cove is beautiful and has what many Disney works believe to be the most stunning location of any restaurant in perhaps any Disney Park.

Some reviews from Ride testing

Ca. Screamin, Soarin Over Ca. and Animation are all incredible.  Soarin is the best thing around and Animation is the best tribute to the Disney heritage of animation.  Check out Sorcerers Workshop inside the attraction carefully and look at all the details.  That is the best of all of the offerings inside the building, but everything is great.  Superstar Limo is very cute and is definitely a tongue-in-cheek look at the lifestyles of Hollywood and Bel Air.  Notice the mudslides and fires portrayed in the Malibu section.

Disney's Steps in Time

Disney's Steps in Time show will be a very stunning stage show.  Now, it is artist and may turn off some of the more Disney purist, but the sets, costumes and dance routines are Broadway quality.  The theatre is said to be phenomenal, much better than many had anticipated .  The show is done in a format as if you were watching a compilation of all of the songs that were nominated at the Academy Awards. You know how they do a modern or artist interpretation of the song interspersed throughout the Awards show, but in this case it is one number after another and they are of course all Disney tunes. It sounds like a lot of Fun!

Whats coming for Disneyland?

As for Disneyland, there is more of an emphasis on beefing up the rehab plans for the upcoming years to prepare the park for the 50th.  Lincoln goes down until July 3rd for a major (and much needed) overhaul.  A new animated figure with a new scene added to the background and all-new audio system that will be incorporated into the seating.  In addition, a much needed renovation of the lobby and exit lobby will be completed as well. For those of us who want to criticize Paul as being cheap and not wanting to spend money where he doesn't need to, this was his idea to give Lincoln the proper overhaul. Lincoln was never intended for a rehab this year and he was the one who decided about a month or so ago to give Lincoln the updated look.  This is money that was not budgeted for Disneyland in the first place. Thanks Paul
Anyhow and if the new Main Street Cinema gets approved (it is held up in contractual agreements not money issues), then that will be added to the new Lincoln experience as updated offerings along Main Street.  Haven't heard much about Rocket Rods.  WDI is still working feverishly to fix the problems with the drive vehicles.  I'm sure we will begin seeing ride testing in about 2 to 3 months on the beamway.

Other News

There is an ABC special being taped in DCA over the next week that will air for the Grand Opening in February So, watch for that.  And there will be many other separate taping's going on throughout the month of February and on into the spring.

That is all my news for now, look for updates each week as the park comes closer and closer!

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