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Daniel Royce

Danny is our drummer/jerk/manager. We love him, really. I promise.

Danny has managed to be the only member of the band to kick anyone else out. He's kicked out both of our guitarists, and the first one, he kicked out without asking us first if that was what we wanted. But, since that WAS what we wanted, we didn't get too mad.

Danny gets more than any of us because he actually has been with the same girl for quite some time now. Of course, so was Ben, but that's kind of beside the point. She's Greek and she's cool. Her family owns a restaurant, but most of us have never been there, and I don't even know what it's called. I tried to go there once, but my car broke on the way there.

Influences: Alice in Chains, Metallica, Guns N' Roses (I sense a trend, do you?), No Doubt, Chicago Transit Authority, Buddy Rich.
