Cascade Radio Club Home Page

The Cascade Radio Club is an Amateur Radio Club located in the Pacific Northwest. Amateur Radio is also know as Ham radio. For more about the hobby of Amateur Radio, see below.

A Little Bit About Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio is a hobby enjoyed by over 400,000 people in the United States, and many more around the world. Ham radio operators are licensed by their respective governments. In the US, the governing orginization is the Federal Communications Commisssion, or FCC.

The whole idea of Ham radio is to use radio to talk to other hams. There are more ways to do this than you may think. If the propagation conditions are good, it is possible to communicate all over the world!

The American Radio Relay League

The American Radio Relay League is a nonprofit organization "of, by and for the Radio Amateur". The Cascade Radio Club is affiliated with the ARRL, and has received a certificate for being affiliated with the ARRL for 25 years.

For more information on the American Radio Relay League, check out thier web site

The President of the Cascade Radio Club
Don, NL7QW

The past President of the Cascade Radio Club
Bruce, KB7TIV

Jim, KC7SP
at the annual Field Day event

from the left - Kerry, WA7OJI and Roger, WN7M
at a Field Day operating position

For more information about Field Day - Field Day Info

Ham Radio Links -

Puget Sound Radio Direction Finding site - PSRDF

The Ham Gallery - The Ham Gallery

NOTE: PSRDF is probably a broken link

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