Wubb's Microsoft Humor Page!
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Make your own fake ad and send it to wubb@hotmail.com! Bill's letter to Santa
Gates in Heaven?

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New Pictures
Pope Billy

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Poll of the Month Favorite Joke Poll
Windows '98 is:

A truly revolutionary multi-tasking graphical operating system.
the best Mac clone that your PC can run.
The most expensive frisbee or drink coaster in the world
(assuming you buy it on CD-ROMs)

Current Results

June's Results
Which joke is your favorite?

Windows vs. Borg
Windows 95 Drinking Game
Microsoft to Shorten Name (Moft)
Conversation Between Bill and Satan
Other (not listed)

Current Results

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Home of:
The 100% Wubb Award
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Click here for a Win95 demo
Warning! may cause conflicts
with some system set-ups
Help Wanted!
I need more Microsoft/Gates humor! Full credit is given to all submissions, help make this site a great depository of Microsoft jokes. Mail me (wubb@hotmail.com) any jokes you think would fit with this site!
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