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Last Updated 3-3-00
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CLASS OF 2000!!!!

I own over 1,500 movies
I bet I have a quote that
you can't guess.......

Last weeks answer "Happy Gilmore"
New Quote- "A '78 Mustang, the car I've always wanted, now I have it...I Rule!"

Stop by next week for the answer and a new quote.

Jax and Dryad are NOW SENIORS!!! CLASS OF 2000!!
Congradulations to ourselves...we made it to our final year of school, unless you count college. As far as we know we are both going to graduate!!!! And maybe even go to College!! Who know's what will happen to this page when we do go to college?? But Who cares...right now it is all about 2000

NEW Jax and Dryad have gone out and gained a decent collection of Wavs and Midis. A great link that is getting larger everyday!! Click Here

Or you can probably hear all of the quotes (if you know the movie)at this great site, just follow this link

Updated Today
Jax031 has gone out on his own and made a musical theatre webpage so Click Here to see it, I promise it is really cool!! So stop by and check out info on your favorite show's. Click Here!

Great top 29 list about the South CLICK HERE

Look at my Top Ten List of Movies. You can also send me you list. Top Ten List
Here you can get all of David Letterman's Top Ten List so Click Here
You can chat about the answer to quote and other things in our chatroom!! Chat
Also if you want to read some really funny, wacko stuff, Click Here
For another really cool webpage Click Here This person's nickname is Squishi, be sure to sign her guestbook!

This is the coolest Internet game on the planet(not really, it gets boring, but incase yall use this link i won't delete it for a while, be sure to book mark it!!. You create a country and attack people to make you country better. It is also compeletely FREE!!!
Go to "Solaria Games"

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