The 50's Grease Web Page

Hi! My name is Lyndsey.
I am an aspiring actress. I love movies. Grease is my favorite movie.I also love to sing, although it's not one of my best talents. I like to have fun and be original. This page is dedicated to the movie, Grease. It contains many useful pages. If you would like to see something on this page that isn't here now email me with your suggestions. Enjoy your visit to The 50's Grease Webpage!

Note: This page is no longer being updated, due to a lack of time, but will still stay up as a Grease source on the web.

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Grease Cast and Crew
Grease Movie Bloopers
Grease Addresses
The 50's Grease Club
What is FAME?
Grease Trivia Quiz!
Grease Pictures
More Grease Pictures
There are now more pictures on
The Grease 2 Page
Rydell High's Alma Mater
Link to my Page

The 50's Grease Web Page is strictly not for profit.Permission to reprint original material granted for non-profit uses provided that it is not altered and the copyright notice is attatched.TM & Copyright © by Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.GREASE ® is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures. Grease 2,motorcycle logo and all movie pictures are Copyright © Paramount Pictures.

If you would like any information that is not posted at this time please email me and I will do my best to get the information to you. Note: Any mail sent to my previous e-mail addy ( within the last 4 to 5 months has not been received by me. Please resend your request to my current e-mail addy (listed belong.) Sorry for any inconvience this may cause.

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