My Hero,
KaTe ELizAbeTH WiNsLeT
Kate As Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility, a role she got her 1st acadamy award nomination.
Kate as Princess Sarah in A Kid In King Arthurs Court
Kate as Juliet Hulme in Heavenly Creatures, her first movie!
Kate as Julia in Hideous Kinky, yes im aware i missed her Titanic pic...oops!
Kate as Ophelia in Hamlet. That damn movie is 4 hours long, i only watch till Kate dies!
Kate as Sue Bridehead in Jude...a very different movie I'd have to say!
Kate's Wedding Day-Nov. 23rd, 1998
Kate as Ruth in Holy Smoke!
Kate Winslet has been such an inspiration to me as a person and a actress. Through her i have learned that beauty isnt everything and that the audience isnt interested in what you look like its whether you are honest and care about how you are performing, and that will touch people. When people ask me who my hero is, with out even thinking i say "Kate Winslet" and there is no doubt about that....enjoy some of my fav. pics of her and some other stuff about her on this page!
*Oscars '98*