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Sent a Email to Miramax to Save Hero from not released this year.

Hollywood Gossips has already send a number of emails and letters to Miramax!


Miramax E-mails:

Hollywood Gossips:


Help save Asian films from being destroyed

A petition to save HERO, SHAOLIN SOCCER and other Asian films from being destroyed by Miramax (Disney) is up. Please sign the petition and ask you friends and family to do the same:

Appeal to Disney for Respectful Treatment of Asian films


Hero Reviews Meter - 100%

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Hero: Review - Positive Major Spoilers  (Ain'tItCoolNews)

Hero: Review 2 By Shirodka (JetLi Forum) - 8/10 No Spoilers

Hero: Review By Shirodka (JetLi Forum) - Positive Major Spoilers

Hero: Review By The One (JetLi Forum) - Mixed Minor Spoilers


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Hero: Review - Positive Major Spoilers  (Ain'tItCoolNews)

Hero: Review 2 By Shirodka (JetLi Forum) - 8/10 No Spoilers

Hero: Review By Shirodka (JetLi Forum) - Positive Major Spoilers

Hero: Review By The One (JetLi Forum) - Mixed Minor Spoilers

Hero: Miramax, No Hero  (

Hero: Breaks China box office records after 3 weeks

Hero: Up one spot to Number Five in HK Box-office

Hero: Still Solid at Number Six in HK Box-office

Hero: Remains Solid at Number Six in HK Box-office

Hero: Remains at Number Three in HK Box-office

Hero: Falls to Number Three in HK Box-office

Hero: Number Two opening in HK Box-office

Hero: Best Quality Poster (Hollywood Gossips)

Hero: Lots of Updates and Critics' views  (

Hero: Lots of Updates and Critics' views  (

Hero: Action Director views of actor's performances

Hero: Call to save the film along with Hollywood Gossips

Hero: Has become 'prime meat' and moved audience deeply in 2 minutes

Zhang Yimou: An Interview With Zhang Yimou (AsianConnections.Com)

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26 May 2002


Hero: Release Date Set for December 20th


Hero has been set to be released in China on December 20, 2002. Since in China the exact release dates have rarely been given this early, I would guess this is probably the date people in Asia, North America or even Europe are waiting for. In North America, it probably will have a gradually expending type of release just like what SONY did for CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON. This report is according to several other sources: newspaper in China, Sing Tao in Australia and Monkeypeaches.



23 April 2002

Hero: Jet Li says 'my dream movie' and 'incredible story'

So, how did "Hero" come together? "My last movie, which I just finished – 'Hero' – was my dream movie," Jet effused. "When I read the script, I cried twice. I think, in my career of making movies for twenty-two years, it's the first script where I was reading and crying. It's a very, very incredible story. It's a different kind. One kind has drama first, story first – the action helps the story. But some movies, the actions are very important. It's for the young audience and it's not as necessary with the story because they want to watch fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!" For the full interview click here.


27 Mar 2002 

DONNIE YEN TALKS ABOUT 'HERO' AGAIN (Hollywood Gossips Exclusive)'s Action-Adventure section has posted an interview of Donnie Yen, who recently appeared and choreographed the Wesley Snipes film Blade II. Donnie Talked a bit about Hero and his next assignment with Jackie Chan, which you can read it here





23 Mar 2002 (MonkeyPeaches Exclusive)

Video Interview with Zi Yi Zhang

Hello, everyone! I am Zhang Ziyi. Haven't seen you for a long time.

Zhang Ziyi Rumors: 

Perhaps some are real and some are not. I prefer this way to chat with people face to face, to let the audiences see me only through a TV screen. Sometimes, I was very mad about those fabricated rumors, but tried to think about it again, perhaps they were just seasonings of life. Maybe (they are something) every entertainer will encounter. I think, slowly, be happy or be angry, I will have a very normal attitude to deal with them. 

HEROic Experience: 
Spent five months with HERO to watch Maggie Cheung, to watch Leung Chiu-wai, and to watch Jet Li, I feel I have attended a very precious class. So, ... hope I can learn something.

How to Manage Money
I don't have much to buy. Just buying clothing, but many times they are provided by sponsors. Then , eh ... (reporter: all the money you earned was given to your mom) Right, all the money is in my mother's place. Don't know how much and (I) never ask.

Goes to the Hollywood?
Not for me. (In there) I can't find fried source noodle (a popular Beijing local dish). (Laugh) Actually I think the working environment is just for to work there not for to live there. I just go there to ... eh ... work. I feel I cannot leave Beijing and cannot leave China. I hope the priority of my career in the future will be in China. 





23 Mar 2002 (MonkeyPeaches Exclusive)

Here is another poster designed by "God of Sword". Zhang Ziyi's picture was from MUSA
and her costume is at least one millennium late. Jet Li's costume is almost two
millennium late. But, those are no big deals. What important is spending time and effort
to do something you really enjoy.

Send in yours, scoops, previews, reviews, fan scripts, fan arts, audios, videos, ...




21 Mar 2002

Interview: Zhang Yimou reveals Hero to Merchant Times (Hollywood Gossips Exclusive)

Last year, before sealing his mouth during the last interview, Zhang Yimou promised Merchant Times (Shi Dai Shang Bao) that should he open his mouth about Hero, readers of Merchant Times would be the first to learn of it. Yesterday, Zhang Yimou finally fulfilled his promise... Here for the full Interview.





14 Mar 2002 (Upbeat Exclusive)

In this interview conducted by Upbeat, Donnie Yen talked about his involvement in BLADE II and HERO.

Click here for the full interview





8 Mar 2002 

  Ching Siu-tung says HERO Will Be More Aesthetic And Romantic Than CTHD

Action director Ching Siu-tung has spoken out about HERO for the first time..Watching the actions in HERO you can feel the actors are dancing in the air. It will be more aesthetic and romantic than CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON." While talking about how to deal with actors with no martial art trainings, he said, "we tried to conceal their physical limitations and let them bring out their best. Maggie Cheung and Zhang Ziyi are pretty good dancers. Based on their figures, the moves I designed for them do not have too much strength but can let them show their bodies and postures. Leung Chiu-wai never received any martial art training and his ability of doing actions is not very good. But he can show very rich facial expressions and and bring out a man's emotions during a fight. Therefore we just shot his moves from different Angles consisted with his facial expressions to help him do his action scenes. For different actors and characters, I designed different styles and moves for them."

Ching said director Zhang Yimou is very good at showing people's relations and creating characters. While working on HERO, he  tried to learn from Zhang Yimou on how to design plots and how to handle dramatic scenes. Ching said HERO is a different kind of martial art film with very unique storytelling style, visuals and color presents. He said he had done his best. Because the post-production including CG effects has yet started, he did not know what the final print really looks like, but he said it will be better than CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON. (monkeypeaches)




23 Feb 2002

Zhang Ziyi appears on GQ Magazine

Zhang Ziyi just landed on the cover of March issue of GQ Magazine, along with SPIDER-MAN star Tobey Maguire. It also featured a very short interview conducted by James Ryan last month when she was still attached to the production of HERO at Hengdian.

When asked whether she kicked Jet Li's butt, she said, "I can't keep up with Jet Li. My dance training enables me to make the martial-art look real, but there's no power behind it.  I mean, I can't break a table in two." She said her favorite scene in CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON was the restaurant fight, her most embarrassing on set moment was after she did a "fake kiss".

CROUCHING TIGER's co-star Cheng Chen, director Ang Lee asked her to go home and practice, and the bravest thing she had done was challenging her schoolteachers when she thought they were wrong. When talked about CROUCHING TIGER's disappointment performance in mainland China, she said that was because there were "too much drama and plot". When asked about her understanding of men, Ziyi said men considered their faces the most precious and should she had a boyfriend, she could never even scold him in public and would want to wait until she got home.
(monkeypeaches, GQ magazine)



  14 Feb, 2002.

Here is Evuolo2's Top Ten List of what Miramax can do to destroy HERO:
10. Not giving the film the attention and publicity that is due to it.
9. Have any mention or comparison to Crouching Tiger or The Matrix in the advertising.
8. Have the movie trailer consist of only fight scenes.
7. Release the DVD with an English Language track option. It cheapens the film.
6. Use the usual ridiculous Miramax/Dimension Art Department Poster concepts that have nothing to do with the movie, i.e. Legend of Drunken Master and any of the Dimension Jet LI Video Release box art with the exception of Fist of Legend.
5. Credit the film as Miramax and Quentin Tarantino Present.....
4. Give the movie a Limited Release because it is a foreign film.
3. Rename the film as Jet Li's Hero.
2. Replace Tan Dun score with music that we would find on the Def Jam label.
1. Bill the movie as the sequel to Crouching Tiger.




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