Charter for alt.holoworld.rpg

   This document has been put into action by general membership vote
   April 27, 1996, as ammended, and is considered the club's constitution.

1. All matters affecting the whole club requires to be presented in the form of 
   a proposal and is not implemented before being passed by the Membership.  

   In the case of elections for administration, or passing of proposals, 
   the Council Representatives act to collect the votes of their units 
   and pass them along to the ombudsman only.  The exception to this is
   when the ombudsman is running for any post, in which case the votes for
   the post for which the current ombudsman is running are sent to the fleet
   CO. That is, administration and proposals are voted in on a one 
   person one vote basis, with the Council Representatives passing on the 
   vote counts for the unit and each individual voting only with the one unit 
   they have declared they will be voting upon (or character their 
   voting character -- VC).    
   In the case of appeals and vetos called by the ombudsman or council awards, 
   the Council Representatives do the actual voting as outlined below.
   Matters of administration that do not affect the whole but only a smaller
   group of players are to be put to a vote if the independent ombudsman
   decides that the complaints of a significant number of players, affected
   by it or not, warrant a veto against the decision (Details in section 3).

2. Administration is the executive branch of HoloWorld

   2.1 Under administration count all players of characters with direct
       directional authority over players and player groups and the bearers
       of warrant duties (Game Masters and Canon Keepers).

   2.2 Members of the administration with directional authority are elected
       by the membership and tallied by the Council Representative and then
       the ombudsman.

       Other members of the administration are appointed and relieved through
       the elected members.

   2.3 The administration is answerable to the Council at all times and to the
       Ombudsman in a veto situation.

   2.4 The administration supports discussion on matters of general interest
       (doesn't include the selection of command personnel, GMs and warrant
       officers) and invites contributions to them to prepare them for council decisions.

   2.5 The administration serves the club and supports all role playing
       opportunities, setting the requirements for the environment to form
       a coherent club background for all players to make safe assumptions
       while drawing from it.

   2.6 The administration makes the day-to-day decisions and forms policy
       concerning single players, characters and units.

   2.7 Details, as far as required and useful to be fixed, are regulated in
       Section 5/6.

3. The Council is the legislative branch of HWF.

   3.1 The Council is composed of members of HWF elected by their unit. The 
       detailed procedure is regulated in Section 5.

   3.2 General elections for representatives take place every 6 months,
       covering one session immediately following the election of unit

       For single representatives who leave the group they have been elected
       from during an election, a replacement election takes place. If the 
       group itself ceases to exist, the period of representation for the 
       delegate ends with the dissolution.

   3.3 The Council has two (2) regular sessions every year, every six months,
       not exceeding one week of duration each, starting the 15th of the
       month (May 15 and November 15)

   3.4 The Council  submits the tallied votes for their units that
       elect persons into offices and submits the tallied votes on or
       dismisses proposals back to discussion until its next session.
       Discussion of proposals takes place ahead of and out of the Council
       by the general membership.

       Proposals not submitted to the Council until the opening day of a
       session will not be considered for vote at this time.

   3.5 The Council submits the membership votes for the voting members on 
       their unit that elects half of the administration members for positions 
       in supervisory roles with direction authority (listed separately),
       every 12 months and on special elections when called.

   3.6 A simple majority of Council members can relieve the administration
       as a whole or single, elected members from duty (vote of no
       confidence), regardless if the office was up for re-election or

       This measure requires a quorum of 2/3 of all representatives.

   3.7 All Council decisions require a simple majority and a quorum of
       1/2 of all representatives (or membership for regular elections)
       to become effective.

4. The Ombudsman is the independent controller of the HWF administration.

   4.1 The ombudsman is solely answerable to the Council.

   4.2 The position is elected every 12 months. The person holding the office
       of ombudsman cannot hold an office, either elected or appointed, within
       the administration.

   4.3 The Ombudsman controls the administration. To this end he has the right
       to review justifications and veto single decisions of the administration
       if there are a significant number of player complaints against it. The
       term significant is left at the discretion of the ombudsman but must be
       justified before the Council, if challenged.

       As a first step the veto requires justification and reconsideration of
       the decision by the responsible administration.

       As a second step the Ombudsman can suspend the decision and require a
       Council vote on the subject if the administration does not alter its
       initial decision. To this end the Ombudsman will initiate a discussion
       on the problem and conduct the formulation of a proposal to the Council
       to resolve the subject, including the players submitting the complaint
       and the member of administration responsible for the initial decision.

   4.4 The Ombudsman has the right to chair discussion groups if the
       participants do not adhere to the rules of common courtesy in their
       discussion, or if his presence has been requested by any of the
       participants of the discussion.

       The duties and rights are outlined in Section 7.

   4.5 The Ombudsman can be called as a judge in player-player disputes, but
       has the right to dismiss the decision to the Head of the branch

   4.6 The Ombudsman collects and presents the finished proposals to the
       Council on its next session and serves as vote counter.  If the Ombudsman
       is running for a position, the votes for that position only are sent 
       to the Fleet CO instead to avoid a conflict of interest.

5. Representation

   5.1 Each group of players in HoloWorld of 6 to 11 members elects one among
       them as their voting representative into the council for a term of
       office of one session (May or November). All representatives are elected
       at this time.

       Representatives are elected by their groups with simple majority.
       Only players who are voting on the units, ie, have their voting
       character there, should vote for this representative.
       Should no candidate achieve this in the first turn of election,
       the candidate with the most votes in the second turn will be
       considered elected.

       To allow an equal representation, larger player groups are divided
       into groups of 6, filling them up if possible (more below)

       Elections take place three weeks prior to the opening of the Council
       sessions of March and end one week prior to the opening

       The Ombudsman keeps a list naming the representatives, groups and the
       date of election to avoid confusion and makes sure the mailing list
       for the session is set up correctly.

   5.2 Should a player group not have 6 players, it joins with another RP
       group for the purpose of electing a representative.

       The same applies for unassigned or single players and by splitting of
       groups significantly bigger than 6 players.

       The Ombudsman presents a list of the player groups one week prior to
       the start of elections, naming the groups and players in them.

   5.3 Members of the administration are not members of the Council unless
       elected by a player group. They are required to stand answer to
       questions from the Council; those may be filed from the time of their
       election as representatives until the end of session and are required
       to be answered in public within 7 days after submission.

   5.4 Members of the administration do not have the right to vote in council
       unless elected as representatives by a player group.

   5.5 Players cannot be elected as representatives of more than one group.  The
       votes tallied by the Representatives for administration and proposals
       will be sent by the council representatives to the ombudsman who will
       tally the votes and notify the general membership of the results at the end
       of the voting period.  Each council representative's tally of votes as
       well as their own votes on strictly council matters such as council awards
       or vetos is public information.  The ombudsman will compile all of the 
       votes into one document which will be available upon request by any person.  
       It is the ombudsman's responsibility to maintain this document for a minimum 
       period of 3 months. This document of votes may also be placed on the 
       official web page at the discretion of the web team.

       Each player, not character, has a single vote. The individual players 
       send their votes on proposals and the election of administration to their
       Representative who then tally them and send the tallied numbers 
       (that is, the number of votes for each proposal or admin position on 
       that unit) to the Ombudsman for counting.  A player's Representative 
       would be the ship Representative on the ship where they have their stated
       primary character or unit on which they have chosen to cast their vote 
       (ie, their voting character of VC).

   5.6 Ballots are cast on a list of proposals at a time. They can be YES,
       NO, ABSTAIN or DISMISS for acceptance, denial, abstintion or
       dismissal back for further discussion.

   5.7 Proposals for election into offices are gathered just as ordinary
       proposals by the ombudsmen. Players nominated have to confirm their 
       willingness to conduct the office for the nominal term before 
       they are accepted on the list of candidates.

       A ballots is cast for each office. Should more than one candidate
       be nominated for a position, the selected candidate is marked with
       YES while all other candidates remain unmarked.

       Should no candidate be nominated for an office, the officer next in
       administrative rank and seniority fills the position in an acting
       function until a nominee is forthcoming.

       Elections are held on March 1.  All proposals and officers will be 
       up for election then. If an administration post is replaced between 
       elections, a special election should occur within the second month after 
       the appointment, or in March if the appointment takes place in 
       January or February.

   5.8 All discussions and council decisions as well as election results
       are made public and accessible to the whole memberships

6. Members with directional authority (elected by the Council)

          * Fleet Admiral (Commander of the Fleet)
          * Fleet Executive Officer
          * Commodores (additional Operational XOs)
          + Head Instructor
	  + Fleet Personel Officer

   All elected on March 1

7. Members with warranted duties (selected by the administration)

            Game Masters
            Canon Keepers (culture coordinators/branch deputies)

8. If required, discussion on a proposal and integration of the points made
   will be under the direction of the Ombudsman as elected by the last

   8.1 The Ombudsman is required to assign a designator to a proposal, all
       contributions to the proposal are required to show the designator in
       the subject line to allow organized discussion and easy reference.

   8.2 The discussion has to take place in a forum accessible to the general
       membership, preferrably a mailing list with free subscription

   8.3 The Ombudsman organizes the participants of the discussion on a

       8.3.1 He appoints one of them as it's writer and will submit the
             proposal to the council after the participants find a majority
             for a version they worked out.

             Finished proposals enter the queue of pending business for the
             next council session in the order of their completion.

             Should several proposals aimed at the same subject be made, they
             will be grouped together for one to be selected from, similar to
             an election proposal. None of them has to be approved, though.

       8.3.2 The Ombudsman has the right to decide to preside a proposal
             committee if the discussion gets out of hand. Any of the
             participants can call the ombudsman to this purpose.

       8.3.3 Should the Ombudsman preside a committee:

             * He can call participants to order if they disgress from the
               subject discussed in a manner that damages the discussion.
             * He can request votes to help shaping parts of proposals
             * He can exclude participants with three calls to order
             * Exclusions can be overruled by a committee vote

       8.3.4 The Council will be presented with a list of all submitted
             to the voting members of their unit, usually through their
             nrpg list.

       8.3.5 The delegates will collect votes on each of the proposals on the
             list and submit the whole list for counting to the ombudsman

       8.3.6 The accepted proposals will be included into the official
             documents within 2 weeks after the council adjourns.

9. Graphic representation of the structure:

    elects                     answer to                    answers to
  +---------> HW Council <------------------------+  +---<---------------+
  |               |                               |  |                   |
  |               |               elects          |  |      select       |
  |     +-<-------+------->----+------------> Head Admins ------>----+   |
  |     |                      |                            control  |   |
  |     | elects               | votes on                            |   |
  |     |                      |                                     |   |
  |  Ombudsman ------------> Proposals -----> club policy ---> Administration
  |    |  |     moderates      |                                     |
  |    |  |                    |                             execute | create
  |    |  |                    |                                     |
  |    |  +--------------------x--------------------------->      service
  |    |    controls by veto   |                        cast-to-case decisions
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    | complaints       contributes                                |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  |    |                       |                                     |
  +----+--------<-------- Membership <-------------------------------+

(C) Holoworld Fleet alt.holoworld.rpg.startrek 1996-2006

