Membership Information



MEMBERSHIP OF THE SOCIETY entitles you to join in any of the classes with tuition at cheap rates and low firing fees.

Use of all equipment during class or Workshop time.

Monthly Workshop/Open Day where members get together to share ideas and areas of interest.

It also entitles you to a VENUE for selling goods at exhibitions (after 3 months membership) and the right to vote at monthly meetings.



1. Members must accept the Objects and Rules of the society as set out in The Constitution.

(Copies of the constitution are available from the committee).

 2. Annual Membership fees fall due in July, on the first day of each financial year of the Society. Any member who is more than two months in arrears will be deemed unfinancial and will not be permitted to vote at meetings or to take part in Society activities, and may lose membership (at the discretion of the committee).

3. Members are expected to attend at least three meetings per year and to apply in writing to the committee if unable to do so.

4. Members are expected to assist in the activities of the Society in at least three of the areas listed below.

Please indicate (by ticking the appropriate places), those areas in which you are prepared to help.

                   a. Availability for Committee position.

                   b. Help with newsletter or secretarial work.

c. Distributing literature for exhibitions.

                   d. Donating for raffles.

                   e. Selling raffle tickets.

f. Helping to run fund raising stalls (3 per year).

g. Donating for above stalls.