The Weave Of The Realm

Open wide the Ashwood door,
New Landscapes now revealing,
With Fern and tree and flowers galore,
And bird song most appealing.

A meadow's sweet grass for a floor,
Clear skies to form the ceiling
Oak and Ash and Pine restore
Clear senses, and smooth feeling.

Enter now, the Bards so fair
Harp and Muse-song garb they wear
To dance, to sing, to laugh, to care
To weave the rhymes, replete or spare.

Of Knights so bold and maidens fair,
And wizards caught in their own snare;
of kings and queens, the trumpets blare,
And do express with time to spare.

We reflect this form, this bloom, this flare
We craft the tales of destiny, and dare
To pass the vision from heir to heir.

Retain the wisdom, and not impair
The truth so sacred, so fine, so rare
In poetry finds its place to fare.
Without it, none, the world could bear.

So weaves the gossamer fabric there
With fibers strong, yet still so fair
And threads of Light beyond compare.

So open wide the clear mind door
To realms which are revealing
With treasures fair and gifts galore
And powers most appealing

A crystal cave to form the floor
And towers for your ceiling
The branches of your mind restore
bright visions and deep feeling.

Amber Wolfe, The Arthurian Quest

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Original art by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British, 1828-1882)

You are listening to "Shadows On The Moon,"
This original composition is taken from the
Sisters of the Golden Moon CD and is composed by
Bruce DeBoer

To hear more of this beautiful CD,
please visit our MP3 site.