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?founder,sops,Aops,Rules,How get ops 

personal data

      • Hi all in our web site!

      • The channel is founded for mi Wasef40 in 25-5-2001 withe many friends like Mr. reemoon who is a student in Al-Nagah university located in our nice city Nablus

        I'm a dr  graduated from Cuba in 1985.i have my own clinic in Amman the capital of Jordan, my hobbies are learn ,sport and chatting with my friends, I'm speaking 3 languages Arabic .English and Spanish  



          operators of the channel:

        The Sops:


        1; tareq9000 -Palestine-student

        2: nauomy /female/Lebanon

        3: saleeemoooo Saleemoooo







        6:Haitham al sheresh


        8: feda2i

        The holy-land channel whose stay in the mirc chat program  it is achat program for those whose sympathize withe our people in our home land Palestine and who are interested  to pose questions to our operators ot to mi at :  mailto:wasefbahar10@hotmail.com  

        As soon as posible we add many foots about the struggles of our peoples (Palestinians) in hand of the state of (Israel)

        How we can gets the op:

        To gets op for any one ,We need that op to join our channel continually for period 21 days and must be an experiences in mirc chat program and brings peoples to the channel. And know historical things about the struggle of our peoples ,and we gets ops to any one who sympathize with our Justus cause 

        Your sincerely


        1:The rules of the channel

             a: no flood

             b: no write in majuscules

             c: No invites in channel

             d: when you join the channel say hello

             f: If you are guest please change your nick








