So, we worked our butts off for 7 months and made this game!

It's rules are simple (well, at least I think so): you have a large field(approx. 16 A4 squares)with cities & elemental fields. There are also non-elemental fields with GFs (if you kill one, he joins you untoll it gets killed again). You have a"Hero" card, warrior cards (approx. 18 with different stats), item cards in your "Shop"(special square in your town) & a "Town" card. There are 4 playable card decks. So, if your "Hero" dies, y'lose, if you cant defend your "Town", y'lose. Each card (exept "Town", items & GFs) has it's own element attribute (e.g.: holy, water, forest, etc.). So whenever your card is on "it's" field, it gains more power & HP, the opposite field colour - lose some pwr. This doesn't have an effect on GFs. Also on the fields there are sometimes cure points & teleports. Well, that about does it! Hope y'didn't fall asleep!



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