
If Lord Jesus heals you when you visit this website then email your healing testimony and I will add it to this page.

Jesus heals.
Lord Jesus will heal you. Jesus of Nazareth heals people that don't know him! Why, because he loves you. Get on your knees if possible and ask God to heal you in His Son's name Jesus the Messiah.
1Peter:2:24: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.


My name is Diane Imperial and I was searching and searching for bible software. I put out a christian online bible verse and I always went to a website. I downloaded your software and it was fantastic. It is a fabulous bible program. It is great and I had to tell you that. Well I also went to your website and clicked the button for a healing and I got a blast of the Holy spirit. I mean the annointing fell on me and WOW! I said healing yea right on the web! I couldn't believe it. God is awesome. Thanks for blessing me with the software and the healing.

In his service
Diane Imperial

Dear Sir,

Just wanted to say thankyou for the programme. It has been a blessing and compliments my other bible software. Only error is in trying to open the Jewish Calendar which shuts the programme down. Any ideas? Still a great programme the Messianic promise are especially useful. And when I visited your testimonies pages someone said on visiting your healing page they got a blast of the Holy Spirit - so did I. God healed me of epilepsy in November 2002 but still need it in other areas. Feel better already!

God bless you & your ministry,

Just visited your website and downloaded your software....great thanks!

About the Healing Testimony page...I saw no place to enter a testimonies so I figured it was coming thru emails to you.

When I visited the web page and read Diane's testimony, then Chris's I was zapped with the Holy Spirit and directly was led to pray for Chris. So I spoke the Word of Healing out loud and prayed for Chris to be healed. I pray that he would catch a revelation that the things he is going through, he is going through. That's it. Chris is "going through" them and because of what Jesus has done for us in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension, Chris will be healed. I've read the end of the book and we win. The things we are facing here on earth we are just "going through" them. This is not the end, only the beginning. So keep the faith and you will "get through" to your salvation and healing.

Now you might ask how can God heal through the Internet? It's quite simple, if you look in to the Bible you will see that God uses His word (by whatever means necessary) to bring His blessings in healing to people. Check it out:

Psalms:107:20: He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
Luke 7:7 Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed./div>
So no matter where you are, or who you are...God can send His word to you and bring you healing in the Name of Jesus!

God Bless, Kevin

Thank you GOD in JESUS NAME your SON the MESSIAH.

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