Parish Organizations

ACOLYTES a group of parishioners who serve on the altar at each service.

ALTAR GUILD meets the fourth Sunday of each month except July and August. Members are appointed by the Rector to care for the Sanctuary and Sacristies of the Church.

CAPITAL FUNDS DRIVE: An ad hoc committee responsible for raising the funds necessary for renovations and addition to building

CHOIR provides music for the 10:00am Eucharist. This choir, open to all high school, college and adult members rehearses each Thursday.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN includes all women of the parish. They sponsor the yard sale and help provide hospitality for various parish events.

EVENING PRAYER READERS is a group of men and women who take turns reading Evening Prayer on weekdays at 7:00pm and Saturdays and Sundays at 5:00pm during the year.

THE GUARDIAN is a monthly newsletter from the Parish. All organizations are requested to have their news items in to the Church office by the fourth Monday of each month.

NEW MEMBERS COMITTEE Coordinates greeting of visitors and incorporating new members into the life of the parish, also responsible for advertising and publicity.

ST. MARGRET'S GUILD meets for a potluck luncheon on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the homes of the members. All women of the church are invited to attend, although no childcare is available.

ST. MARY'S GUILD meets every Wednesday of the month for the 9:20am Eucharist and for intercessory prayers, maintains the intercession list for the Parish and studies the prayer life and healing ministry of the Church.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday mornings September to June at 9:00am. Classes are held for children from 2 years of age through high school.

VESTRY meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. Members are elected at the Annual Meeting in January. Their major responsibilities are the care of the building and grounds and the finances of the Church.