Holyland Cats Homepage

How does one become the proud owner of such a cat?

In one of 4 ways:

  1. If you plan to visit Israel, contact Holyland Cats before or during your visit (sooner is better, as it gives enough time for our staff to prepare the necessary details for the cat to travel to its new home). When in Jerusalem, you can visit Holyland Cats and choose which kitten(s) or cat(s) you want to bring home. The staff of Holyland Cats will acquire the travelling cage, the veterinary health and rabies certificates, and even meet you at the airport with your feline(s) upon your departure for home. Imagine the surprise of your family and friends when you return with your live souvenir!

  2. If you know someone from your city who will be travelling to Israel, they might be willing to bring your Holyland Cat to you. Holyland Cats will describe the available felines to you by phone and gaurantee their health and friendliness.

  3. If any one of the Holyland Cats staff knows someone who is travelling from Israel to your city, that person may be willing to fly with your cat in tow, and you can meet them at your airport. We know frequent travellers to and from New York and Los Angeles.

  4. The 4th way is, unfortunately, much more expensive--sending the cat(s) to you unaccompanied by a human passenger.

But isn't there a quarantine law upon arriving back in one's own country?

No. There is no quarantine law to enter America and most European countries. You simply head for home with your adopted pet. After 35 such adoptions, the airport personnel have never even asked to see the veterinary certificates!

How much does it cost to acquire a Holyland Cat who is accompanied by a human passenger?

The trip to the vet costs $40
The cost of the cage is $30
The cost of the flight is approximately $100

Please note: The cost of the flight varies depending upon your airline. SOME AIRLINES DO NOT TRANSPORT ANIMALS AT ALL, and some won't transport them in the summer. Please check with your airline.

Holyland Cats receives no profit. (In fact, we lose money through catfood and vet bills.) We are simply grateful to find good homes for the many felines we rescue. The more homes we find, the more of our limited time, energy, and money we have to rescue more.

How can I make a donation to Holy Cats to help pay for its expensive bills for vaccinations, spaying, cat food, medicines, and life-saving operations?

Contact tovasaul@yahoo.com

Who is permitted to adopt a Holyland cat?

Not just anyone can acquire a Holyland Cat. The people who rescue these animals love each one. They must be convinced--through a phone conversation--that you are knowledgeable, responsible, and successful in regards to animal care. We can get an accurate sense if this is so.

So, if you are a cat-lover and would like to adopt a rescued Jerusalem cat (or two), we'd love to hear from you. Contact tovasaul@yahoo.com

Holyland Cats Homepage