Welcome to Mrs. Rossi's Science Webpage


Calendar for Science Fair

Calendar for Science Fair

December 7: Work Day (Work on setting up formats for backboards and planning oral reports to be given at science fair).

December 14: Work Day (Final Checklist of things to be done over Christmas Break will be passed out and discussed today).

November - December: Work on experiments at home and school. Keep good notes and records of all Science Fair information.

January 4: Written results of project due today. Work on backboards.

January 7: Typed copy of Results are due today.

January 8-9: Work on Graphs.

January 10-14th: All conclusions to experiment are due. Work on Abstracts in class, oral reports, etc. The next two weeks will be devoted to Science Fair. Everything will be done by the end of this week.

January 17-21st: Oral presentations of science fair projects to your classmates.

January 25: Science Fair!! Judging takes place all morning. Science Fair Fair awards 7:00 to 8:00 P.M.