Your pillars tread upon the less traveled road, wandering from once familiar lands to alien territory. You notice that these lands, once so lush and beautiful, were now plagued with chaos, and an unfathomable secret which could be felt in everything, like the taut string before it snaps.

Herds grazed here and there, but they were all tense, as if waiting for the cue to spring. Suddenly, music fills your mind as a pair of galloping equines approach. Every solitary individual pauses to look at the pair, and you catch your first glimpse of the Lord and Lady. The pallid duo approach in striking unison, slowing their pace as they near.

The Lord approaches, arching his boa in welcome. His name is Despair, a Lusitano of wilderland, the Lusitano to be exact. A dark light plays within his coals as his forelock drops to screen them. Despite his roguish look, there is an air of royalty in his demeanor.

The Lady waits until the Lord has welcomed, and slowly treads toward you. Her dubbing was Unbroken, an Andalusian descended from the Kings of old. But her story is too long to tell here. Pausing, she looks instead into your soul, searching for your strengths, weaknesses. A saddness was within her that could be felt by her piercing gaze, yet in that gaze there was comfort and reassurance.

Standing together, they give you leave to enter the lands, though not before a warning. Few who come here ever depart, and not that leave are unchanged.

Have you the courage?