Home Brewing Notes - Beer
Hydrometer Readings

SG                  % Alcohol
1025                  3.0
1035                  4.4
1045                  5.8
1055                  7.2
1065                  7.8
1075                  9.9

Range of Home Brews Using Malt Extract

Alcohol            3%           5%          7%        9%
Sugar lbs          3              4             5          6
Malt lbs            1              2             3          4

Water               5              5             5          5
Hops                1.5-2g       2g          4-6g     6-8g
Days to dry       7              14           21        28


Bring water to boil and add hops and salt. Simmer for 45 minutes.
Put sugar and malt in fermenting vessel; strain hops over them and stir well so that all is dissolved.
Make up to quantity with boiled water.
Sprinkle on yeast. Skim off foam which forms in first 24 hours. With strong brews add sugar in two doses.
Bottle when it is flat. Prime with tsp sugar per pint.

Andover Ale
1 lb malt extract, 1 gallon water, 1 oz hops, yeast.

Brown Ale
1lb dark malt, 2 oz hops, yeast, 2 lbs demerara sugar, 3 gallons water

Cheshire Homebrew
2 gallons water, 1 oz hops, 2 lb crystal malt, 1 lb golden syrup, 1 oz hops, teaspoon salt.

Light Lager
2 lb malt, 2 oz hops, 2 gallons water, beer yeast

4.5 lb malt, 1 oz hops, 2 gallons water, beer yeast

(If SG does not equal the desired figure, either add more sugar to raise, or more water to lower, it.)
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