Inside Jokes / Memories
   Here's some fun stuff that you might remember. Take a look through and see :)
"I'm drunk... you're drunk.. and that makes 3!" lmao Ginger!.
"I just realized how UNBELIAVABLY HOT Kurt is!" "and I just noticed how UNBELIAVABLY DEAD he is!" lol Stepherz. :P he's still hot
I think he's gay. No, he's not gay. Then what is he?!?!.. ALright. He's gay. Lol Kami!
I look in da mirror N I'm like DAMNN  lol cha cha
EGGBERT! lol Rachy F.
CHA CHA! lol Caitlin
   lol Morgan!
Right Thurrrrrr lmao Morgan Remember Silver? *Ma ma tried to warn me to beware of latin lovers (8)* lol! fun times eh?
Rainbow hats... lol Ally
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Lets be grade 7s for halloween...hmmm *eh em* "EXCUSE ME... I NEED UR SWEATER!" lmao Em
Why arn't you wearing your shirt? awww now u cant see me! Lmao Kai kai
You think you're SO popular... but then.. you open your mouth (Emmy Co.) lmao Em
Living off of fish and soup in Haliburton. Who needs cars? We're Hippys..
Lmao Ginga.. Good times. Goood times..
Lowing the Mawn. Lmao  Ginga
Only in a Jeep.. Lol.. Good times last year Ginger n' Lana
My ass is like... OoOo Dandilions...
Lol Ginga
I'm drunk. You're drunk. And that, makes 3. Lmao Ginga
I'm so smart..... Lol Cody
Crazy eyebrow girl.. Lmao Rachy B. Great times
I'm the couties monster. You're the cookie monster. Lol Caitlin
3LU.. mmm lol sam/Mary
Me *I'm having a good day today, and no ones gonna bring me down!* 
Sam  *katie, I'm pregnant.*
Me *COOL can i name the baby?!?!*
Sam *Sure, But I don't know if it's a boy or a girl*
Me *Ok, We'll name it a unisexual name.. like.. Andrew*
Sam*But there's no girls named andrew*
*Me* Sure there are.. Look there's one right there! -Points at andrew-
*I'm trying to sleep* *well TRY HARDER* -i fall off bed laughing-
lmao! vet
*NOw it's time to take over the soup world.. enter the dark side of lipton* mwa ha ha! lmao tayls
Remember? Pretending to fall into the water on the grad trip! lol Brandon/Steph
Cow Girl *moooooooo*! lmfao Chinese restaurant on the grad trip.. Cody/Brandon/Steph.. sooo funny!
I'm making Green Prom! uh.. it's with and n.. and yuou spelt it wrong.. NO NO it's PROM lmao Vet!
Bowling with Caitlin.. Let's hit it with our heads! lmfao that was SO funny Caitlin!
The kurnal! lmfao Kels!
*Waves constantly* Why is everyone looking? "hi! hi! hi! hi!" lmao! Britt, remember that? good times!
Ohhh Yaaaa *smack* lol, Always Morg!
*My very favourite Brandon Moment*
When Brandon went up to the sevens who were playing basketball, stole their ball, and ran away. LMfao!!! that was the greatest, I loved it, I laughed so hard, You can imagine. Lmao
*Stopp in the namme of love* Fun times Rach!
Hiii My names Melinda, and I"m belinda! Lmao Sammi!
"Hmm, now that we're stranded in the middle of no where, with no where to go or sleep, let's buy some chocolate and think about life" lmfao, a great one of my moms qoutes
Eh, uh, you ok daryll? *i think he's bustin a move?!* lmao stepherz :P and the kleenex guitar still WORKS! :P
*Rach f n' I, sadly, the only members of the freakishly tall club.. we're alll a lonnee*
*keep the change* ya.. thanks.. i'll try to spend it in one place? lmao.. 2 cents eh? lmao daryl n' steph
Me: "there's something about that guy that i can't forget.. i want to be his friend. I wonder what kind of personality type he has?"
Ang: Uhh how bout, geeky?
Relly: I'm sure there's another way to put that, umm
Ang: sure there is, dorky, losery, nerdy
*I drop my icecream laughing and people stare*
lmao.. darlington..

*tears* I want to marry gregory, the man who sold me my icecream.....
    *hello, I come from pee land* lmao last night, Rach n' steph.. i can't believe we didn't get lost. Lmao! we knocked on another house asking for rob.. *i   hope it's not a 40 year old man* lmao!!!
Daryl- My dance buddy, he does the trip in fall quite well i must say "daryll are you bustin' a move?" lmao :P
The hyper club, Pearls are like.. hard marshmellows. Lmao cara! :P
PASTA.. is what you say during those.. awkward moments. lmfao!!!!!!! everyone, especially vet :P
*Now watch them, they'll fight for the chair. Ah damn! this movie SUCKS* lmfao vet, best part of the.. sucky movie.
ELI! lol Kai :P
*someone went circle happy!* lmao ang!
*do you see a car yet?* OoO there's 1! but it's goin the other way. lmao! Ang
Hello i'm someone with a beard! LMAO Kailyse!
Electricity Is..
lLmao, Ally, Sam, Sarah, Megan.. GoOod Times!
Cupcake and Rootbeer *She was sipping my MAN* .. I really like cupcakes.. He's so cute!, Amanda Shhh It's our little secret :) <3
Sam: Katies My hoe
Alex: So we were pimping out Sluts..
Katie: What's the difference between hoes and Sluts Any who?
Alex: Uhh.. Hoes are cheeper
*Long Pause*
Alex, I'm forever gangsta Now.. AHH! Lmao.. What if you liked someone but accidentally told them you were a lesbian.. what? It slipped... LMAo
So what's it like BEHIND the employees only door? Lmao Manda!