Kat - Eye

My friends are Amazing. I'm so glad to be around AMAZING people all of the time.

I never feel alone, And I'm always smiling, because I have people that are

More than just anyone Thanks for being y o u , it makes me smile :)

Angie - Ang, I'm So Gladdd That i've gotten to live with youu my WHOLE life. You're one of the most Amazing people I've ever known, and I'm proud to say I'm your maid of honor at your wedding, which is SICK, cause you're getting MARRIED. Ahah, Oh I love all the good times, Like when i stole your pencils, and wrecked you hair, And stole your clothes, and Got lost with you. "Hrrm, Um I wonder if you can return Staplers at Staples." Ahahh, Do I look Old in this? URR.. yess.. WICKED. Bahhrr You're the sweetest. I've always got a shoulder to cry on, and someone to tell me what I'm gonna screw up on before I do so i don't waste my time :P Thanks For everything, Love Always. <3

Allie - MAHHRR. Haha, Allie you're the best! Wonderland, Html Help, Stealing sarah from work, ruining stupid people's lives. Ahahha, i love your sarcassm, it's freaking halarious ALL the time. You've always got something to say that's amazingly funnnnny. You're smart, and you're gonna get somewhere. I'm glad to be your friend, And that we've gotten to know eachother cause you ROCCCK :) <33 Love always

Sarah - Sarah, girl YOUU are Amazing. I LOVE going to the Ymcaaa With you. haha, TOO many good times. I love your Mom and your Dad, they're SOO great!! "ALOH! .. "A Dogs Life, isss a Good Life" BAHA Awhhh <3 I'm so glad we've gotten to be really close over the year, and you know that. I feel like I can tell you anything, you're so understanding, and SO freaking talented, not to mention beautttifulll!!! I'm always like, Hrm, how does she do it all , she's like wonder woman or something :P And you still find time to be the amazing friend that you are! WEE YOU ROCK:) <3 Lovve always!

Laura - Laura, I feel like I could tell you the worlds secrets and sleep like a baby. You're soo Amazing. You're style, You're Thoughts, You're Life, You're just freaking amazing. I love talking to you on the phone for hours, all of the pictures of me eating you. Ahahhh, You're just awesome awesome awesome. Love always! <3 :)

Sammi - SAMMMiiiieee, My Emo loving, volley ball star, Musicaly awesome frieennd. You're AWESOME. I love how we can just be idiots together and not have a car in the world. Too Many good times. You were one of my first good friends in highschool, and all i can think of is MELINDA AND BELINDA. Ahah<3 Awhr love always Sam!!! <3 :)

Gill - Gill, You literally SAVED me from the depths of bordem in English and Geography, and for that I am forever in dept to you. You're beautiful, Amazing, And smarrrt. I love chillin' with you. Going to plays, just hanging out, you're amazing. Love Always <3 :)

Steph - STEPPPPHH. I've known you girl FOREVER. And It's gonna stay that way for sure :):) Too Too TOO many good times. The grad trip WAS amazing <33 Haha, too many jokes to number. Hanging with you now is just like then but better. I'm glad I've gotten to grow up with such an amazing girl! That Rainy day was one of the best days of my life! :) <3 Love always <3 :)

Rach - Rachel Rachel! You awesome girl You! Awhr We've been good friends for 3 years. It SUCCKS we missed out on grade 9 together, but that won't stop us from another 3 amazing years. That Rainy day was the best rainy day ever. My Red bull Buddy for lifffe!! Love Always <33 :)

Bethy - BETHY. No Matter what happens, ever ever ever, I will always love you like I did when we were in grade 3 and having the times of our lives. You were my childhood BEST friend, and for that you will always remain one of my favourite people in the world. I love how we can still hang out twice a year and have a blast as though 3 years haven't slipped through our hands. I'm so proud of the amazing person you've grown to be, and just know that forever, best friends. :) <33 Love always