Steven Dorman
Info : Steven Dorman is 13 Years Old and is the Ceo-President of HomeGrown Productions. He is a software/game/web developer who knows how to program in html, Java, Visual Basics, a small amount of C++ an just about no delphi. He decided he wanted to make his own program and games when he played his first RPG ( roleplaying game ) at the age of 5. So when he was 10 he began lessons that took all of his free time learning how to program.

Email Address = seven__dust@hotmail.com
Nathan Henderson
Info : Nathan Henderson is also 13 years old but favours playing , making, and listening to music. He is making a game but it is taking  longer, but soon will be at a normal pace. He is one of the founnders of Homegrown Productions and is co-ceo/president.He, helps with webpages,  and does alot of work with rpgmaker 2002. soon you should see more things in the downloads section by him. He is currently making a game called Forever Zero , but name may change.
Email Address = disaster_peice_00@hotmail.com
status-editor an co-debugger etc
Garret Ritchie
Info : Garret Ritchie is our editor and Co-Debugger. Steven Dorman debugs most of the program but garret dose some. He is pretty advanced with computers, he knows html and  some javascript.
He edits the webpages for spelling errors etc.

email address = rerat88@hotmail.com
Dustin Catt
status-co-editor an co-debugger etc
Info : Dustin Catt was hired not to long ago to do some extra editing and some extra debugging. He mainly thinks of ideas for programs though.

email address : greenscruchers@hotmail.com
status-Graphics Designer etc.
Michael Larabel
Info : Michael Larabel  Was hired to be a graphics designer etc.he will  be designing graohics for program , game and websites. He will also be making some websites.

email address : m_larabel@hotmail.com
Just In Case You Havent Noticed None Of These Pictures are the acutal people just pics we used.