by Country CheerHomeschool Country Banner - by Cari
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by Country Cheer

A Welcome and an Introduction

Count Your Many Blessings

I welcome you to the new home of Homeschool Country, online for over three years now. There is plenty here for anyone with an interest in homeschooling--whether you're a long-time homeschooler, just starting out, or are only curious as to what homeschooling is all about.

My name is Cari, and this is our ninth year of homeschooling our two sons. To me, homeschooling is a fantastic opportunity for parents to take full responsibility for raising and educating their children. I am convinced that God intends for parents to be the main influence in their children's lives, and that sending them someplace else for 30, 40, 50 or more hours per week makes that utterly impossible to accomplish. While there are many, many ways to homeschool, and at least as many ways to raise children, this site is here to share what works for our family, to share what God has shown is His will for us and our children. No two families will do things exactly the same. So as you explore Homeschool Country, pray for God to show you what His will is for you and your family. Feel free to make use of our ideas, and realize that God enjoys variety--so you don't have to conform to my ideas of what's the perfect way to homeschool and raise children. Our way is perfect for us......your way will be perfect for you. And all of us will find that even our "perfect" way can stand a little revision now and then.

God bless you all!


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Who Is Homeschool Country Mom?

I'm Cari, a born-again Christian who has homeschooled now for over 8 years. My husband and I have 2 sons who are in 8th & 10th grade--although in some subjects they are at higher levels. We homeschool because we were led by the Lord to do so. For our family, homeschooling is the grandest adventure! I am blessed with such great JOY by it! We plan to continue to homeschool as long as the Lord enables and leads us to do so. We are so certain of His ability to educate our children through us that we are not daunted by the thought of homeschooling through the high school years, if He wills it.

What Makes My Heart Smile . . .


Homeschooling our sons [9th year and counting!! J ]

Cooking & Baking & Homemaking

Country Everything! countrycloud

Arts & Crafts, Writing, & Desktop Publishing

Web Design.....Here are my diplomas from WebTech (Heartland) University:

My HTML 101 DiplomaAdvanced HTML Tables Diploma

Gardening.....Singing.....and Rollerblading with my hubby & kids!


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Page Last Updated: February 2, 2002
Site Last Revised: February 2, 2002


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~~Page added October 2001~~


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