The Red Cat Gang Ranma 1/2 RPG
Only game that made it to the us, click on the pic for the english or for the Japanese version click here
To download the files click on the pic except for the second file the street fighter Ranma 1/2
Street Fighter Ranma 1/2
Translation Patch
To use this patch properly you must download a program called snestool. After you get this open the program and use the left and right keys to get to the button labeled  "Use IPS" and then select "ranmarpg.ips" when it asks to select the ips to use and press enter.   Then is will ask you to select the game file that is being patched using the up and down keys and press enter.  It should should say patching.  And after it's finished you can exit!  Whew so hard to explain.
To play these files you must have a snes emulator which can be downloaded here