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A picture book is any book in which the  meaning depends upon the pictures as much as or more than the words. Illustrations give the reader information to interpret the message in the book that would not be possible from the words alone. The page and cover formats,including the text size, style, and placement, also reflect the meaning of the story. The pictures are sequential images and the verbal message is revealed a little at a time so that we can notice the pictorial details as we are making meaning of the book. 

The book must be designed, as a whole, to maximize the impact of the reading experience. On this web  site, you will explore how a book is produced, the parts of a book design, and the art elements of the illustrations.

Artistic style, media, line, color, proportion, and balance will all be considered. Learning how to look at these elements and consider why they were chosen will increase your understanding and appreciation of any picture book.

There is a web quest where you can examine examples of the work of many illustrators and then reorganize them into a collection of your own favorites.

Take a look at how some of today's best illustrators work. If you read the biographies, you may begin to understand their styles.

Then try your hand with some interactive sites on the web that enable you to create your own art works using the computer.

Lastly, you can visit some of the wonderful online sites devoted to children's literature and explore topics that are your personal interests.You can also read book reviews and visit the publishers' sites to learn more about what's new and see characters from your favorite series. 

I hope you will make full use of this site and visit it frequently. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have regarding its content.


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Betty Homza
Created 7/17/2002 Last update 8/01/2004
Arcadia University