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    My Life With
Hello!! I wanted to make Jordan a web site to let people know how he is doing and let others know his story. Everything happened on July 8th, 2002. We took Jordan to the doctor  to find  out why he was always getting headaches. Dr. Heib did a (CAT) and found a tumor and fluid around the brain. He came back and told me that he was sending Jordan by ambulance to Sioux Valley hospital in Sioux Falls. They did surgery and removed the fluid and some of the tumor. They were unable to reach the other tumors that he has. A few weeks later they did another MRI and found that the tumors that were left had cancer cells in them. (Teratoma a germ cell cancer)
We met with Dr. Linda Stout and she talked to us about what kinds of treatments would be best for Jordan. He will be receiving Chemotherapy & Radiation .
He also receives the G-csf shot here at home for 7-14 days after each chemo.
On Dec.2-7th will be Jordans last day of Chemo Treatment. He had a MRI on Nov. 11th and it showed that the turmors have not grown but have not gotten any smaller. We have had another MRI on Dec.23rd. and it showed that one of the tumors has grown a small amount.
Radiation has started and we are in our 4th week. He has 6 weeks of treatments, Mon-Fri. We plan on being done on Feb. 24th. We stay in Sioux Falls at the Ronald McDonald house durning the week. We will update you again when he has his next MRI. Jordan leaves for his Make-A Wish trip March 14th.
This is carry and me. She works with Child Life. She shows me what the doctors will do to me when something new needs to be done. Sometimes we just play games and just talk about things. I like her she is really nice  and cute too.
   My first Surgery
9-08-02 I lost most of my hair now.
This is My Uncle Jeff & Aunt Kristie.
They are special people in my life.
This is My Doctor, Dr.Linda Stout. She is really nice!!!
This is one of my nurse's Linda. She is way too cool!!!
Jordan's Favorite words, Whats UP!!!!!!
They say nurses are old and ugly but not mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Linda She makes me laugh alot. She is pretty cool
Jordan went threw his Chemo & Radiation treatments and the tumors where still there. We decided to go to the Mayo and see what they had to say. We arrived at the Mayo on 4-4 and the doctors went back in and removed the 3 tumors on 4-7-03  100% was taken out. They where growing as a dead tumors. Our life goes out to the doctors at the mayo for what they have done for Jordan. They gave Jordan his life he might not of had. To all the parents that have children that have cancer or a serious illness never give up hope. Miracles are out there and Jordan is proof of that. THANKS TO THE MAYO.