Welcome to Class 3P6's Homework page


Week of October 16-October 20,2000



    1. Spelling- Write words 5 times each
    2. Reading — Write the details and main idea of A Sombrero for Luis Locero by Cecilia Avalos
    3. Math- Home links book- home link 9


    5. Spelling- Put words into ABC order
    6. Writing- If you lived in Mexico, how would your life be different?
    7. Math- Home links book- home link 10



    1. Spelling- Put words into sentences
    2. Writing- Write a friendly letter to Luis Locero. Tell me how your life is different than his. Tell him about yourself and ask him some things you would like to know about him.
    3. Math- Home links book — home link 11



No School…ENJOY!!!!



    1. Book report- Choose a fiction book. Use the main idea and details sheet to find out this information about your book.
    2. Math- Find 10 pictures in magazines with prices on them. Use these pictures to make a shopping list. Write two word problems using these pictures.
    3. Have a good weekend


Here are some web sites that can give you help with your homework. Just click on one of the links below:

