Name: Connie
D.O.B.: 04/08/1984
Star sign: Leo
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Address: Sydney
E-mail address:
Hobbies: Daydream, learn to play piano
Current study: Commerce
Goals: Get good results in uni, find a well-paid job straight after graduation, buy a house for parents and my own house and car, spend my life with my love, a few doggies, and a grand piano.
Dreams: Learn piano, get HD for all units I do, earn lots of money, buy a house with a big backyard for parents and a car, become very smart and pretty... >.<

My favourite...
Foods: Chocolate, fish balls, ice cream, most fruits, etc.
Drinks: Watermelon juice, soya milk
Animals: Dogs (all the Q breeds), Cheetah, fox, some tropical/marine fish (Nemo~), dolphin
Colours: Purple
Movies: "Monsters Inc.", 周星馳's movies, especially old ones