©2002 by Andrea R. Taylor.
Survivor of childhood sexual abuse;
abstract expressionist artist.
All rights reserved.


Back to Chapter 1

She pulls into the underground parking lot and parks in her designated space. She exits her car, goes inside, and takes the elevator to the fourteenth floor. Stepping out of the elevator and into a brightly-lit corridor, she saunters down the blue carpeted hallway and enters apartment #1453. She feels some needed relief as she becomes more and more in touch with reality-the reality that she is home. Finally. Home, sweet, home. Lyssa contemplates going out on the balcony and surveying the gracious and generous lake. She thinks to herself, it's good to be home, with no one to abuse, misunderstand, or reject me. "I know the abuse was not my fault", she says aloud. 'It's good to be home with no one to bother us." She looks around as she puts away her coat and things. What a beautiful space to call home, she thought. In her own space, she feels safe again.

Indeed, it was a lovely place she knew as home. It was not a house, an apartment, or a studio. It was home. Alyssa begins to observe her surroundings. She is deeply appreciative of her safe place. It's a unique place, with many amenities, such as a sunken living room, a railing that divides the dining area from the living room and allowing one to look down into the living room, and best of all, she had an awesome view of the majestic waters that surround her space. This home was Alyssa's sacred place, and she often gave thanks and gratitude for all the beauty God had bestowed upon her. She was ready for a spiritual encounter when she'd left her mother's apartment. Now, she could single-mindedly experience the Oneness and tune in to the richly harmonious pieces of furniture, delicate knick-knacks, intriguing works of art, and books, and books, and books! She was so delighted to be home!

As she stepped out on the balcony, she became aware of her natural atmosphere. It was a lovely star-lit night. The crescent moon seemed to grimace light-heartedly. Alyssa smiled. She was keenly aware of a strong, yet gentle, breeze encompassing her form, and it seemed to pass through her mind. Yes, God, she thought, I'm in your heart forever. As Lyssa stood at attention on her balcony, she couldn't help but hear the waters conversing with one another. Sometimes they roared with laughter as the white waters gushed against the mammoth rocks that adorned the shoreline. Then the voices would quiet down-almost to a whisper. Lyssa was fascinated. The voices of the waters were the only ones she heard, and the only ones she wanted to hear. There was water, water everywhere! Lyssa had become enamored by the coming and going of the waves, and she knew she was one with the Lake. She knew she was one with Nature. She again considers the skies, and with very little effort she points out Polaris, Ursa Minor, and Ursa Major. "I love it when I can do that", she declared.

Chapter 3