MALE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!

Foo Chun Kit. One my good and absolutely best friends on earth!!! Thanks for driving me to school everyday!!!!!

Leong Chun Thim. My other buddy who is always eager to help me out even in times when I think he won't. Thank God!!

Lim Ken Yu. Got to know this guy 2 years ago when he got transferred here from Temerloh. Also known as " S**** Boy" while we were in CH.

Julian Cheong. Who can miss out this guy? One of the popular guys in my class because he is always our main topic of discussion, hehe. Just joking man! Peace out!

Lee Hou Fei. Everyone in SMS know who this guy is. Quite a fun guy to be with, many people look to him as a leader in everything we do (including going to the toilet?). Fast becoming the heart-throb of school girls in my school.

Leow Chee Cheng. Has changed his hair style recently. When you see him, you can bet that Chun Thim is there.

Lim Cheng Keat. Whatever he does, there is laughter. A master at crapping and probably better than me! Yahooooo, he's doing a Zinedine Zidane hair stlye!!!!! Cool!

Lam Pei Kah. Daredevil of the class. Widely known for his motorcycle.

Lee Kong Hoe. My ex-class monitor. EXTREMELY ARTISTIC.

Lee Shi Wei. Another game fanatic. Nicknamed Bruce Lee. A Louis Cha novel reader. Likes to read Wu Xia kind of novels.

Harjinder Singh. Whoaaaaaaa........I bet this guy is taller than KL 198 cm! Gulp...that's 30 cm taller than me...

Ang Hock Thien. One of the game masters in Bentong. Almost impossible to beat him in any kind of games.

Ng Kian Pong. Extremely fair. Very cunning at times. My neighbour in class. Cool guy.

Yau Sai Mon. A good badminton player. Always play it when he has time, boasting a MSSP record.

Edmund Tan. One of my closer friends as well although he lives about 5.4 km from here...

Kuan Seng Poh. Often taken as a scrapegoat, Sympathize him some times. LOL.

Ti Seng Aun. Football fanatic. At last! Someone who supports Italy!

Julian Chou. One of the closer net friends. Always there to listen to me. Thank God for introducing him to me!

Chew Thioe Keat. Yahooooo!~~ TOMATO MAN RULEZ!

Yong Heng Meng. Good luck in your SPM this year!!

Stephen Loke Kar Soon. Thanks dude. Be Strong.

Hoh Kah Choon and Yap Kuang Fei. Thanks man! Both of you are like brothers to me! Study hard!

Lai Wah Pin. Thanks for giving me guidance and tips in school! You really taught me how to handle chaotic situations!

Chin Ren Sun and Sum Meng and Zai Gee and etc. Good luck in your PMR!!!!!!!!! And ahem ahem...I heard and ahem ahem are...ahem ahem...

Tan Thiam Hock and Low Jia Jun. Thanks for playing pingpong with me.

Gan Jo Han, Judson, Hui Jen, Valent and co. Nice meeting you guys.

Juston Chong. Even though you're not here anymore with us, you'll always be in my heart. God bless.  

This list is endless if I mention all their names. So, if you want me to put your name in, please email and tell me ok?

With that, ciao....wait, have a look on the fairer sex ok?