Mom's CornerMommy's Diary

Index of past diary

Year 3 - New Phase in Tiger's Development Year 2 - I'm a big boy now Month 24 - Starting day care Month 23 - Goiong back to China Month 22 - Weaning, Potty training, Learning to ask questions Month 21 - Language explosion Month 20 - He's got his own opinions - First night without mommy - Tiger's potty trained! Month 19 - Discipline - Toilet Training? - Three-word-sentences - Who taught him that? Month 18 - When is he going to wean? - First time to the swimming pool- Becoming more persistent and concentrated - Playing tricks with us Month 17 - Loving to read - Learning poems - Chase and catch - Emergency Room - Speak in sentences Month 16 - Becoming more social - Clingy period - 15 month check up - Saying two-word-sentences
Month 15 - Spun 360 degree, Drink from an open cup and Eat with spoon - Get used to real shoes - Identifies body parts - Starting tamper tantrum
Month 14 - Language and Interaction - Play tricks - Learning to catagorize - Forming the concept of personal property - A confused but smart boy
Month 13 - Tiger's one year old! - Playing in turns - Walking backwards - One year check up - Weaning - More interaction
Month 12 - Running and dancing - Words, words and more words - Won't wear shoes
Month 11 - Getting wild - Found source of allergy - Real words - Blooming personality - Walking around - Becoming independent
Month 10 - First time sick - Playing games - Standing - Walking!
Month 9 - Reading - Showing personality - Trying table foods
Month 8 - First trip - Separation anxiety - Constipation better - Pulling up - Talking - So much happening!
Month 7 - First tooth - Grandpa comes - Sleeping better - Constipation and Eczema worse - Sitting up - Crawling!
Month 6 - Crying out failed - Starting Solid - Constipation! - Falling off bed
Month 5 - Constipation! - Grandma leaving - Sleep through the night
Month 4 - Refusing bottles - Teething? - Rash on the face
Month 3 - Already talking! - Roll over
Month 2 - One month pictures - No sleep
Month 1 - Tiger is here - Birth Story

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