
On Transsexual Issues.

In my time there have been many times online that I have been in heated discussions and civil dialogues which relate to transsexual issues.  On this page I will keep them archived.  The impulse to do this was sparked by a really productive dialogue that I had with someone on the never ending controversey (Regarding BBL theory).

This is my response to a comment on this blog "Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? August 10, 2007".  In this my response I proposed a study which if done would actually settle the scientific question at hand.  This inspite of the thinly vield personal attacks of the person I was discussing the subject with.

This is my commentary on the notion of HBS.  "The Cult of the Godess". HBS is almost totally scientifically baseless.  It is based loosely on the scientific idea of brain sex.  However it also seems to embrace the Blanchardian notion of autogynephilia just as long as it does not apply to them somehow.  :-/ In a foot note I do make the point that I am not totally hostile to the idea of "brain sex".  But not the conceptualizeation that is common.

INAH⊗BSTc Entanglement of the physical-neuropsychological causes of terminal androphilia and transsexualism. Abstract Every transsexual knows about the findingsof Zhou, that the BSTc is a structure in the brain which causes transsexualism. From this comes the idea of brain sex and "HBS". Most gaypeople know of the INAH as well as various other studies that point to a brain difference that causes homosexuality in biological males. I have shown that if both of these findings are confirmed true then concepts from quantum theory can be applied to shed light on the question "How is sexual orientationrelated to gender identity disorder?" A hot button topic. What I will show from neurological data, Hilbert space mathematics, and the first principles of quantum theory that gender identity and sexual orientation are quantum mechanically entangled.
Their will be more latter.  :-)