Las vegas marriage laws

A positive approach. las vegas marriage laws Successful marriages. Ever play "what if" with your life, your marriage, or future? "What if" works great when it deals with the future, but when it deals with your past it can be down right destructive psychologically. Do you remember Tom Hank's character in the movie Castaway? "I should have never gotten on that plane?" He had years on a deserted island for him to think about what could have been in his life and marriage. It can be down right destructive spiritually, also. las vegas marriage laws Interracial marriages. The devil preys on our past failures. We can spend years of spiritual futility by wallowing in our "what ifs. " We don't choose when those thoughts enter our mind, but we can choose how long we dwell on them and whether or not we believe them. las vegas marriage laws Second marriages. Remember what the apostle Paul said, ". . . and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. " (2 Corinthians 10:5b NIV) What made me think about this? If we focus on the future, we can be prepared for what is ahead. I found a picture of my wife from 1974 that she had sent me after our first date. This was the last I would see of her for the next nine years. My family moved over 500 miles away after that date. I was spending some time thinking about the "what ifs" in our marriage. Proverbs addresses the "what ifs" beautifully: "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. " (Proverbs 4:23,25 NIV) If we focus on the future, we can be prepared for what is ahead. If we focus on the past, what's behind us, we will trip-up in our marriage, life and our future. I believe God gives us our mistakes as a tool to learn. Take a look at Peter's life as he moves from one disaster to another, until he is prepared to launch the greatest movement the world has ever known at Pentecost. But, we don't want to live in the past. We learn our lesson and move on! The road ahead, lies ahead, not behind.

Las vegas marriage laws

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