
Official Site:  Downloads and info a-plenty along with the official message boards.  Probably the best place to get any questions answered.  Make sure to check out the Test Drive Rules if you're interested in the game.

Dragonsfoot:  The best old school D&D site out there had a mass migration of Classic D&D players to Savage Worlds rules which led to the creation of a new forum.  Well worth a visit, this is one I frequent much more than official forums.  Plus, the moderator is jblittlefield, the quickest, most rootin' tootinist mod this side of the Muddy Old Miss.

The Yahoo Group:  I remember this list when it was just a wee babe, squirming in the grass as we all sat and speculated what the rules would bring while waiting for the next design diary to come out.  Now its grown into a behemoth.  Far too busy for my tastes, but you'll not find a better place to poll your fellow gamers and see what they're doing with the game.

Savage Worlds Resource Page:  Rules, adventures, and conversions all at the click of a mouse.

Savage Garden:  Conversions to both Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Fading Suns

Savage Heroes:  Conversions, world details, and an actual purchased domain name.  

Savage Worlds:  Wonderfully done cardboard figs and roster cards.  

The Blade Wars:  Campaign setting for Savage Worlds done by our first forum member who was not playing in my game.  I love the layout of his site, it reminds me of days long passed.

Mikeeze Wurld:  Useful conversion notes for fantasy gear and a listing of the odds in the game.

Doors and Windows:  The frighteningly good webcomic written and drawn by our own player, Shawn.  If we're lucky, he might actually grace this page with his talented artwork.  

Living Kingdoms of Kalamar Yahoo Group:  Run by our very own Joe, this group covers all you'd want to know about LKoK.  I should also point out that he's the Plot and Story Director of said living campaign.  Great, now I have to come up with plots to entertain the guy who spends all his time creating and editing plots. 

Homestarrunner:  It's Dot Com!  'nuff said.

