
Chapter V:  Choices

---Leetha has been seen out with Forlinth many times and it is assumed that they are courting, despite the tense relations between their provinces. (Serving Boy)

---Arthus will not drink out of a glass that is not bejeweled and will not eat off of a plate that is not made of a precious metal.  (Serving Boy)

---The beastmen do not just kill their victims, they return them to their vile home deep in the crags of the mountains and sacrifice them to their bloodthirsty gods.  (Kolvaran Soldier)

---The Counselors from Bombralle have enchanted the King and the Council and will soon take over the city. (Kolvaran Peasant)

---The King and Lorana are said to be having an elicit affair.  The Queen knows about this but does nothing! (Chamber Wench)

---Lorana has seduced every man who has stood on the Council...and some of the women. (Chamber Wench)

---Haner has lost two sons to the war with the beastmen (Seamstress)

---Bolerd longs to return home and fight, but stays here because he is in love with Leetha (Castle Paige)

---The Beastmen were spawned from the moon and fell to the planet to plague sinful men, just like the creatures in stories of old! (Seamstress)

---The Dallians are actually running the slave ring in the south, which is why they oppose any troop movement in that direction. (Castle Paige)

---Innumerable sorcerers have gone mad and destroyed all that they love.  That's why the Bombrallens take all those with "The Gift" to their homeland...and execute them. (Chamber Wench)

---Bryan has made deals with the dark forces of the Ovum and seeks to overthrow the King and plunge Kolvar into the void itself! (Skittish Peasant)

---The Knights of the Sullen Rose are the King's eyes and ears!  Say nothing ill towards him in their company! (Skittish Peasant)

---The earth itself is opening and will consume all who live upon it!  Look at the Great Rift! (Skittish Peasant)

---Kain would like to see Lisinia wiped off the map and there are many Counselors who support this. (Skittish Peasant)

---Princess Liandra has escaped the castle on many occasions and fled into the wilderness.  It is said that she cavorts with the creatures of the wild and makes them swear to protect Kolvar. (Chamber Wench)

---Ironian spies have been captured and killed in both Dallius and Miralles.  (Seamstress)

---The Sorcerers of Bombralle have been to the moon and recovered the technology of the old world.  They won't share it, but will use it to defeat the Ironians and rule the world.  (Chamber Wench)

Chapter IV:  An Exercise in Trust

---Viscious beastmen are rampaging in the Northern Reach.  A large portion of the Kolvaran Army has moved to stop their advance.  (Bartertown Peasant)

---Slavers, ten foot tall and immune to the weapons of mortals run rampant in the south. (Lisinia Peasant)

---The Kolvaran Council is divided about how to use their very limited resources.  Some want to fight the beastmen hordes while other wish to investigate the slavers of the south.  Still others wish to strike on the Ironian holds in the south before they can regain their former power. (Bartertown Peasant)

---Ironians have been spotted moving in the wilderness near Lisinia. (Edius Peasant)

---Cracks in the earth have opened the way to the moon itself! (Lisinia peasant)

Chapter III:  Fear, Itself

---Demons had something to do with the fate of Dormer (Crazed Woman)

Chapter II:  Forces of Will

---Clorenica made a promise with the nearby logging town of Dormer that whoever emerged first would come and check on the other. (The Council)

---Just before the Cairn was sealed a visitor came through town and told of The City of Tomorrow which would be the bastion of civilization after The Great Retreat ended. (The Council)

Chapter I: The Second Expedition

---Something has changed in the world and Sorcerers have been stricken virtually powerless (Loika)

---Slavers are afoot (Loika)

---Every cairn that was built with Kolvar's aid is subject to an oath to bring the town's crest to Kolavar upon emergence (Loika)

---Lisinia emerged four years ago (Loika)

---Kolvar emerged five years ago (Loika)

---Loika's henchmen are following the group's trail back toward the cairn (Loika)

---Loika had no other henchmen than Prieda (Prieda)

---Atorin's brother's actually are proud of him for his role in The Second Expedition (Alyssa)

---Hawkins will pay for his transgressions (Kaiden)

---The City of Tomorrow lies somewhere to the southeast (Loika)

---The stolen ship appears to be from Jostrenet (Atorin)


