A Warrior's Sport Entering her room she looked at herself in the mirror. She was quite attractive, a firm and toned body, shapely hips and firm breasts. She was the kind of woman that most men fantasized of, tall, long hair, shining eyes, an immaculate complexion. The only trouble was, she was the best Warrior in the lands. No one, man or woman could even hold a candle to her skills in combat or on horseback. Because of this, she became much sought after and made a great deal of money hiring her services as a mercenary out to the highest bidder.

She began to change into her favorite outfit, a blue tunic and blue breeches. She added to that a finely crafted suit of Armor. It glimmered with many jewels encrusted into it. Jeweled bracers slid onto her arms are were capped off with fine chain cloves. She then went to the closet and pulled out her pair of ornate greaves. These looked like most boots, only they were plated in steel and encrusted with jewels.

She admired herself in the mirror once more and then left the room. A servant waiting outside informed her that the preparations had been made. She smiled at him and hurried to the back door. Her horse was there, tethered just outside the house. The servants had outfitted him with fine ornate armor. This wouldn't help very much in a battle, but it has the effect of making her victims gasp with awe.

The ferrier had just trimmed the horse's hooves earlier today and thus they were spotless. She had instructed him to give her horse special war-shoes, horse-shoes with studs and cleats on them to prevent the horse from slipping, and at the same time, allowing her to confidently crush her foes.

She mounted up and slowly rode out into the vast yard. Two servants greeted her. They informed her that everything was as she had asked, and asked if there was anything further she required. She dismissed them for the night and walked out into her 'Play-Pen" so to speak.

Her catch was there, awake and conscious, tied to a fencepost. As she neared he began to babble almost incoherantly, "Plplease, Mmmmamm, don't. hhhhhuruurt memmme."

This got him a chuckle from the fine Warrior on horseback.

"Do you know why you are here?" she asked the man coldly.

The man looked up at the beauty before him. "I.. To.... be ... I'm to be your .. slave?" he finished, uncertainly.

Another little chuckle from the horsewoman. "No." she stated simply, "You are to pleasure me for this one night only." she explained to him.

The man, thinking perhaps he would be set free, nodded. "Yes. M'am." he croaked, "Just this one night?" he asked surprised.

She nodded. "Just this one night." She untied the man from the post and started towards the center of the pen, the man in tow.

The man looked up and asked, "What would a woman like you want from a peasant like me?" he asked confused.

She looked down at him, "I want you to lie down." she said cooly and simply.

"B..But why?" he asked, never once stopping to consider the huge horse she rode or the flash of steel he saw on that horse's hooves. Seeing he'd get no answer, he laid down on his back, lying before the Warrior and her mount.

She smiled down at him, "I want you to lie down..." she began, giving her horse a slight command with her boot. Her mount moved forwards and rested a wide forehoof on the man's belly. A light turned on in the man's head and he started to struggle.

"I want you to lie down.." she repeated, "for me to crush you." The words were simple, cold and effeciant. But not nearly as effeciant as the command she gave the horse. THe mare placed more of her weight upon the man, the studs starting to dig into his flesh.

Another command brought the horse's other forehoof upon him and she let him lie there beneath a fraction of her mount's weight. She had trained this horse to pin her foes to the ground, shifting most of the weight to the back hooves. However, when those broad, 14 inch wide hooves, wearing thick studded shoes comes upon you, even a little weight feels like a lot.

The man started to groan and plead for his life. The Warrior however, simply stood on him.

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