
The project was first developed for Para-Transit purposes for clients in Canada/Ontario. Soon it was developed for clients all over North America Including Hawaii's Tourism Management. This project is Developed with VB, SQL Server and Map Info's MapX for it's GIS mapping.

Image1 This screen gives you a very brief review of the Transview's main page with one dialogue open showing the stops on a vehicle's route for the day.

In this screen, you will see the trips data for an specific day, and the way you can change the trip information after it's been entered by a dispatcher or through the automatic Trip Generation of Batch Scheduler.

This screen demonstrates an input of a registered passenger and assigning a Demand trip to her. Soon after getting the source and destination addresses, both passenger and dispatcher will be notified of the best vehicle to be assigned to and will be given the estimated pick up and drop off time.

The following screen shows one of multiple various and useful reports, integrated with Transview. This report gives a Productivity chart for all vehicles and some statistics during a selected period of time. Various reports in different subjects are defined and implemented with Transview, such as Driver Billing Report, Mileage Reports, Total of Passengers and great statistics and summaries based on Vehicles, Passengers, Service Providers, Fleet and ...