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This page is hopefully to raise breast cancer awareness.  I have two mammograms a year.  The reason I have two is because of, family history, and finding a lump.  Thank God it turned out to be a cyst.  My Mother has had both breast removed.  The reason for the double mascetomy, is because when they went in to remove what they thought was one lump in one breast and two in the other, turned out to be both breasts full of cysts.  They were very painful.  The decision was made between Mom and her surgeon.  She is pain free and has coped with the loss of her breast, better than I ever could have.  My admiration for her knows no bounds.  It is impairative that every woman do , self exams, and has a mammogram.  I had to fight with my insurance company over the age for women to have a mammogram.  I do not think there should be an age limit.  Also I would like to bring up a situation, I hope not too many women have found themselves in.  I went for a mammogram and they found a small spot.  The doctor (male) told me not to worry about it.  Bless her heart, the tech, almost lost her job for scheduling a ultra sound for me.  Any way the doctor wanted to wait to do a biopsy.  I asked him if there was something on his penis if he would want to wait.  He did it immediately.  We have to speak up for our selves.
cancer society