Top Ten Puppet Sites!

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Top Ten Puppet Sites Online!

1. Puppet Resources This is THE place to go for puppet scripts. They have an extensive catalog of scripts on all topics- and searchable by many factors!

2. Puppetscripts This collection has puppet scripts for all the books of the New Testament and many of the books of the Old Testament! They are all listed by key verse(s).

3. Fishers of Kids 150 skits and puppet shows suitable for kids productions. Also, free Sunday School curriculum. Skits/puppet shows have to be downloaded in batches of about 20 or so, no online preview available.

4. Mr. Jason's Place has an extensive collection of free puppet shows.
Biblical Characters: Mary & Martha, Jesus, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Joshua, Gideon, Ruth & Naomi, Samuel, David & Goliath, Elijah, Noah
Holidays: Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, New Year's

5. Dramatix Children's Section contains a dozen or so scripts written for puppets. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the puppet scripts.

6. Rev. Edgar Mayer These scripts, written by a Lutheran pastor from Australia, are accompanied by orders of worship, so it's easy to use them for services. Most of the scripts are puppet/human combinations.

7. Cyrano Writes Puppet Skits A good-sized collection of short puppet skits.

8. Truth2Tell has several puppet scripts, as well as a few clowning scripts.
Holidays: Christmas
Bible verses: John 3:16, Isaiah 58, Jonah
Other Christian topics: Prayer, Asking God, God cares, Salvation

9. Drama in the Church has four puppet scripts available. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the puppet scripts.

10. Free puppet shows, stories, songs, chants, and poems including a lot of Christmas and Easter materials

Other sites:

Anne Robertson has a collection of 40 puppet scripts, mostly for two puppets. Five are available for free.

Church Puppets A collection of four scripts for puppets.

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Please note: The top ten list is not done according to any set criteria; rather, it is a reflection of the sites which I use first when I'm looking for a piece to do. Generally, the sites that are on the top are the ones that contain quality scripts, contain synopses of scripts, and, overall, are user-friendly. If you know of any good sites or have any questions or comments, please email me at

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