My Stories

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Last Updated - 11/02/02 - "Never Tear Us Apart" is up to Chapter 21.  New addition to the Smut Series "Neon" (broken link is FIXED).  Added two new slideshows. :)

NEWS -  I'm trying to get my act together.  I swear.  Sorry for the lack of updates.  I will be adding a section soon for custom banners, and a page to make requests for them.  That should be up in a day or two, I hope.

LOOK!  Look at what I got for suggesting the next fan page at the Days Ahead site!  I suggested Rate, you all voted for it, and now, not only do we get Rate pages -- I get this spiffy Crancy graphic.  Woohoo!




This site is in no way affiliated with Days of Our Lives, Corday Productions, NBC or Columbia Television.  No copyright infringement is intended.  I'm just having fun,  I'll promise to return all these characters in one piece.  (Except for maybe Jan.)

Graphics, web design and content (c) 2001, 2002 by Hope Grace Productions.  Please do not use any of my graphics or content on your site without express written permission from me. (Why would you?  Steal from someone better than me!  And, if I catch anyone plagiarizing my stories, I will hunt you down and make you very sorry you ever crossed paths with me.  [Did that sound lethal enough?]




This many nuts have come to visit my nuthouse so far: Counter