Read What Others Have Shared
(November 2000)

Angel Heart

There Is Hope In Knowing That You Are Not Alone

November 24, 2000

I have had depression for about 10 years. I thought when I first started taking the medication that I would get better and that I would "go off" the medicine eventually.

I have found out that I do need to stay on the medicine and no longer feel the need to stop taking it although I would really like to.

But the medicine only helps me. It is a good medical aid. HOwever, the only healing I experience is from the Word of GOd and my faith in Christ that lets me know God is still with me.

Many bible verses speak to me. "LO, I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth." "I will never leave you nor forsake you." THe whole chapter of John 14, especially the beginning, "let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, you are trusting in God, trust also in me," which is ofcourse Jesus speaking. All of Romans 8, especially, "who will be able to separate us from the love of Christ?.. shall hardship or persecution or famine or, neither death nor life nor angels nor archangels nor things present nor things future, nor anything will be able to separate us from the love of GOd that is in Christ JEsus.."

I know that I had unbelievable hard circumstances that led to my depression, but I also know now that I am the type of person that would probably have had depression at a point in my life anyway, perhaps because of chemical imbalances. But GOd has done for me "more than I could ever have hoped or imagined" as the verse says. And the greatest thing that He has done for me is to know that if I have HIm, all things will wrok together for the good.

To any of you reading this, especially to those who have just begun the battle, please be assured that in God- Father, Son and HOly Spirit, there is healing. The depression may not go away but GOd can give you peace and even joy through it all. As the Psalm says, "flee to HIm for HIs infinite mercy."

ONe more thing, if you have a hymn book at home it can be a big aid. I have often read hymn after hymn in my hymnal and found comfort in the many words of the hymns.


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